Lloyds Directors Beaten, Bruised & Bloody After Letter From Dave Laity
Here lies an effortlessly incendiary letter by my brother in arms, Dave Laity, which was served yesterday upon Steven Crombie, Senior Manager Customer Services at Lloyds Banking Group, in relation to the myriad of institutionalised frauds the directors stand accused of.
This follows Dave’s now world famous appearance at the Lloyds AGM, where he secured to agreement of the entire Lloyds board to comply with our decade long demand to cooperate with our criminal investigations into the fraudulent operations of every UK bank.
In the immediate aftermath of which, the Lloyds directors appear to be languishing on the ropes, beaten, bruised and bloody, in our war of attrition to end mortgage fraud on these shores and everywhere else.
Without prejudice
Dear Mr Crombie,
RE: Your Response letter regarding our letter to LBG Board at the AGM 12 May 2022
We feel you have been ill advised by management for you to attempt to deal with this most serious of issues: It is wholly inappropriate to pass this off as a mere “customer complaint” to the customer services department. There appears to be a total lack of understanding regarding the legal responsibilities of the Board and all officers within the company.
With the utmost of respect for your department and its remit, this matter requires specialist handling by experts with a deep understanding of criminal law and financial law, something which is doubtful anyone in a customer services role has been trained in or is qualified to investigate. The sums we have identified could be as much as £3 Billion of fraud and associated offences from the small percentage of victims we have so far investigated. The situation could be far bigger if we were to expand this investigation to a list of some 15,000 customers with similar allegations against various UK banks. This is far from a customer services matter; for that reason I have listed some information below which I hope greatly assists you: I have also copied in the board members to this letter for their assistance and information.
I shall, in an effort to clarify matters for you, explain briefly where this matter sits in a legal perspective, why it requires specialist handling and highlight just a few points to help with better understanding of where our team of criminal, legal and banking experts are currently placed.
Firstly, thank you for the acknowledgement that the entire Board of Lloyds Banking Group is now aware of the issues our team of experts has raised and that they are, in fact, reviewing the documentation. This will afford them full knowledge of the matters we are alleging amount to criminal acts and allow them to deal appropriately according to law as is their lawful duty as officers of the company.
Referring to the 21 day requirement we placed upon the formal notice served on the board, we are satisfied from your acknowledgement that we now have joinder with the board members and that is something we have had difficulty with in the past. We appreciate there is substantial evidence to study. Having now received acknowledgement within 21 days from the board that matters are being investigated we are happy to extend the 21 days and would suggest a further 21 working days commencing Thursday 16th June 2022 would be acceptable. This would take us up to the end of Friday 15th July 2022.
We would be hesitant to extend matters too much further into the future for several reasons, not least those further bullet pointed below. As ex-professionals within the legal systems and currently private professional investigators dealing with what is undoubtedly very serious crimes of high value, it would be wrong of us not to report the serious matters we are aware of to the appropriate authorities.
As seasoned professionals and law abiding citizens we are duty bound to report matters and to delay unreasonably could reflect badly upon anyone delaying matters unnecessarily. That said, we feel that it would be acceptable to extend your investigation time by a reasonable amount before we have to finally report matters officially.
We are mindful of the following legal requirements and so do not wish the Board to fall foul of their duties or be thought to be causing unnecessary delays:
There are the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Business principles to consider.
Many banking regulation breaches have been identified; this requires the attention of the most senior officers of the bank to address and the board members are the appropriate officers of the bank to address these.
Failing to file Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) with the designated money laundering officer who should then report matters to the NCA is unlawful and could additionally be construed as ‘failing to act responsibly’. Ultimately this could lead to the withdrawal of the Banking Licence. We seek to give the Board every opportunity to avoid such issues.
The matters we have uncovered are of such serious nature that we are duty bound to report them to the Internal Audit Department of the Stock Exchange. Failure to do so would be to neglect our lawful duty and could reflect badly on our team; we can justify a short delay in making such a report whilst your investigations continue but only for a reasonable period, as you and the board will surely appreciate.
I note that you suggest we report any criminality we are aware of to the police. It is not our responsibility to do so. Once identified and knowledge of circumstance is with the board members, it is their duty to report criminality to the appropriate authorities.
The lawful compliance of any company is the responsibility of its board of directors and, in particular, the company secretary.
All “foreign private issuers” with listed equity shares on exchanges in the U.S. must be signed off at year end as correct and free from any criminality on Form 20-F according to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Clearly, without having been rectified, our evidence renders it impossible for the Board of LBG to sign off Form 20-F when next due and so poses as serious problem for the board.
We are keen to work with the board directly as a matter of urgency to avoid any such situation above. We are able to identify and assist in the elimination of said criminality but the ultimate responsibility lies with the board of directors to prevent this occurring and to rectify any criminality identified. Not only is it in the public interest for the board to act decisively, but it is also a lawful requirement under Companies Act 2006 and several other Acts for them to do so. We merely seek to assist in this endeavour and correct the wrongdoing so far identified.
Considering all of the above which is merely a brief overview of our findings, we feel sure that you will agree it is now not appropriate to deal with this as a customer complaint. We would invite you to refer this matter back to the board of Lloyds banking Group and to assist you in this we have copied all board members in on this letter as well as other appropriate officers should they wish to comment.
Yours sincerely
David Laity, BA, M.L.S.O.
Private Criminal Investigator
Criminal Consultant APPG
Criminal Consultant UK Police
Chairman Action4justice
Trustee People’s Union of Britain
Ambassador Transparency Task Force
Documentary Filmmaker
Robin Budenberg
Charlie Hunt
Kate Cheetham
William Chalmers
Anita Frew
Lord Lupton
Sarah Legg
Amanda Mackenzie
Harmeen Mehta
Catherine Woods
Alan Dickinson
Professor Nigel Harper, Chair Ethical Banking Standards Committee
Mark Shelford, Crime Commissioner Avon & Somerset
Rt Hon Kit Malthouse MP, Minister of State for Crime and Policing
Rt Hon John Glen MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury
Rt Hon Priti Patel, Home Secretary
Nikhil Rathi Chief Executive Financial Conduct Authority
Coming Soon
In my next blog post, I will publish a notice to every UK mortgage provider, demanding the discharge of every fraudulently registered mortgage at the Land Registry, in addition to news about where you will be able to see the much anticipated second part of The Three Faced Terrorist, which is finally nearing completion.
There will also be news about the new season of Speakeasy Events, including Conspiracy Theorist Mastermind, more stand-up comedy in South Wales and London and my one man show, The Problems, The Reactions & The Solutions.
As if that is not enough to be getting on with, I will also divulge an appropriately redacted account of how and why I have drafted two international treaties this weekend, for the purposes of establishing an Alliance of Indigenous Sovereign Nations.
Post Script
In the event you have tried to contact me over the past week and are yet to receive a reply, please accept my humble apologies and expect a response to your as yet unanswered message within the next couple of days.
Having locked myself away in my editing suite, following the rebuilding of primary computer and secure communications system, to focus upon finishing part two of the 3FT, I am now finally in a position to catch up on all the messages I have missed.
Including a plethora of missives of support, during what has been an emphatically positive period of transition in my life, despite seemingly insurmountable odds, when I have steadily progressed towards the culmination of every aim and objective I set out to achieve more than a decade ago.
I honestly couldn’t have done it without your passionate, loyal and consistent support, for which I will remain eternally grateful.