Climate-Crap NOCA Served On UN, IPCC, WMO & IMO

Climate-Crap NOCA Served On UN, IPCC, WMO & IMO

Climate-Crap NOCA Served On UN, IPCC, WMO & IMO

For the purposes of making a challenge to the whole Climate-Crap narrative, in accordance with the UCT Treaty’s Aims and Objectives, Carlo Weeks has been appointed as UCT Climate Change Ambassador and he has already engaged all the major players involved in peddling the international scam in a Notice of Conditional Acceptance process, which will terminate with Perfected Liens over the personal property of the individuals concerned.

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations

760 United Nations Plaza, Manhattan, New York City, New York, US


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Jim Skea IPCC Chair

c/o World Meteorological Organization

7 bis Avenue de la Paix

C.P. 2300

CH- 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland


The World Meteorological Organization

Celeste Saulo Sercretary-General

c/o World Meteorological Organization

7 bis Avenue de la Paix

C.P. 2300

CH- 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland


The International Maritime Organization

Mr. Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary-General

4, Albert Embankment



United Kingdom

Date: 09 July 2024




Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: The “climate emergency” being the justification for controls on all biological life on Earth.

I hereby conditionally accept that the perceived acceleration of climate change is attributable to CO2, (the gas proven to be essential for photosynthesis and thereby all life on earth) is the primary pollutant to be held accountable, and that actions being implemented via governments on the advice of the IPCC, IMO, WMO and other unelected bodies is necessary and in the public interest, upon receipt of the following reasonably requested items;

1) Material and substantive evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of an independent (i.e. not funded directly or indirectly, by vested corporate interests) primary publication relied upon that disproves the considerable scientific evidence that Earth’s climate is in fact naturally entering a cooling phase;

2) Material and substantive evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of an independent (i.e. not funded directly or indirectly, by vested corporate interests) primary publication relied upon by the UN, IPCC, IMO and WMO, that evidences CO2 can retain and contain heat for a significant period in the atmosphere;

3) Material and substantive evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of an independent (i.e. not funded directly or indirectly, by vested corporate interests) primary publication relied upon that evidences the use of the scientific method to prove beyond all reasonable doubt, that aerosolised pollutants discharged by shipping, do not create an albedo effect resulting in a reduction in sea temperatures and consequently off-gassing of vital CO2, plus an acidification of the oceans;

4) Material and substantive evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of an independent (i.e. not funded directly or indirectly, by vested corporate interests) primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that takes into account the level and effect of all sources of atmospheric pollution, including, but not limited to railways, shipping and aircraft emissions on city air quality, and demonstrates that emissions from these modes of transport are not breaching the Clean Air Act 1993 and similar Acts world wide;

5) Material and substantive evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that, since the introduction of the one fuel policy in 1988, there has been no significant increase in aerosolised pollutants discharged into the atmosphere;

6) Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that, increased cirrus clouds that form as a result of “Climate optimised routing of flights” are not intentionally increasing the albedo effect and significantly altering the weather experienced on the ground;

7) Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of an independent (i.e. not funded directly or indirectly, by vested corporate interests) primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper, that defines the percentage of pollution attributed to all modes of transport, including shipping, aviation, railways and motor vehicles, demonstrating that carbon taxes applied to motor vehicles is fair, proportionate and equitable;

8) Material and substantive evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that evidences that geoengineering programmes conducted and recorded internationally by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), and locally by councils, in line with the Paris Climate Agreement and the UN SDG’s (Strategic Development Goals), are not giving the false impression of a ‘climate crisis’;

9) Material and substantive evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that evidences Black Carbon, Calcium, Graphene, Sulphur Dioxide, Aluminium, Barium, and other aerosolised particulates from aircraft emissions discharged into the stratosphere, do not cause a whitening of the sky that reflects heat away from the earth and that the effects are not cumulative and persistent;

10) Material and substantive evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of an independent (i.e. not funded directly or indirectly, by vested corporate interests) primary publication relied upon by the UN, IPCC, IMO and WMO that evidences the use of the scientific method used to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that;

  • Aluminium (which is not naturally found in free-form) added to aircraft fuel to increase efficiency, which is now recorded in high amounts in the air we breathe, rain, soil and rivers throughout the world, are not originating primarily from aircraft and marine engines.
  • Aluminium nano particles discharged into the atmosphere and inhaled with the air we breathe are not capable of entering the brain via the frontal lobe.
  • Aluminium, a primary neuro free radical generator, is safe and will not set off early Apoptosis (death of the brain) which is part of the chemical matrix related to Alzheimer’s.
  • There is no evidence to connect the introduction of aluminium nano particles into our atmosphere to the corresponding rise in ADD and ADHD.
  • Aluminium nano particles in the atmosphere when inhaled with the air we breathe are not capable of triggering breathing problems, fatigue, insomnia and brain fog, symptoms now more commonly attributed to COVID.
  • Aluminium found in our streams is not killing microbial bacteria, drastically reducing the number of aquatic insects, disrupting the entire food chain for aquatic life and major bird species.

11) Material and substantive evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of an independent (i.e. not funded directly or indirectly, by vested corporate interests) primary publication relied upon by the IPCC that evidences the use of the scientific method used to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that aluminium and barium nano particles, the same materials used in nano-thermite explosives, are not small enough to get absorbed through the root structure of trees, making forest fires burn dramatically hotter and increasing the acreage lost;

12) Material and substantive UN, IPCC, IMO and WMO that evidences the use of the scientific method used to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that, the cumulative effect of particulates not naturally found in freeform in Earth’s atmosphere, when discharged repeatedly, will have no negative long-term health effects on all life on earth;

13) Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that consent has been given by indigenous peoples of the world for weather modification programmes to be carried out by governments under the advice and direction of unelected bodies;

14) Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, that countries or organisations carrying out weather modification without the express consent of indigenous peoples should not be considered as hostile actors, contravening the convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December 1976;

15) Material and substantive evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, that Cognitive Warfare has not been planned and deployed at the behest of the UN and other associated non government organisations to target children’s education, intentionally instilling fear in a way that affects their future decision-making processes and ultimately their behaviour.

Given the serious adverse impact upon the global populations and all life on our Earth, you have 21 days to respond.

In the event that you fail to provide evidence which proves your claims regarding these matters within the time given, you will tacitly agree that the foundations of all climate agreements based on the IPCC’s advice to have no credibility or validity in law; and that the UN, IPCC, IMO and WMO are guilty of multiple breaches of the Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques, multiple breaches of the the Clean Air Act 1993 and multiple breaches of the Fraud Act 2006.

Moreover, every person adversely affected by the unlawful and coercive interference in national government policies, including but not limited to increased taxation and restrictions to personal freedoms, will be entitled to damages for all losses, injury and harm caused, on the basis that their alleged lawfulness is entirely predicated upon plainly false and dishonest statements.

Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour,

By: Carlo Weeks

Climate Change Ambassador for The Universal Community Trust

Mailing Location Redacted

All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice Without Recourse

Non-Assumpsit Errors & Omissions Excepted – Strictly no rights of Usufruct


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