When #VaxLiesShatter There Will Be Criminal Indictments For Genocide

When #VaxLiesShatter There Will Be Criminal Indictments For Genocide

When #VaxLiesShatter There Will Be Criminal Indictments For Genocide

Wondering why the Gates-funded UK government has reluctantly admitted that fines for alleged breaches of ‘social distancing laws’ cannot be legally enforced?

Or why the government let the Soros-funded BLM protesters kick the shit out of the Metropolitan Police last weekend, even though they have legislated for a full-blown authoritarian Police State?

Or why Johnson implicitly announced yesterday that there is an alternative ‘treatment’ to the unholy grail of a Gates-funded vaccine?

The answer is the same to all three questions – everything the government has enacted since the Coronavirus Bill was passed last March has been unlawful.

Dr Bonham’s Case

Here lies a seminal Common Law precedent, which nullifies every action Parliament and the government have taken since the murderous lock-up began.

In the 1610 decision of Thomas Bonham v College of Physicians 8 Co Rep 107a; 77 Eng Rep 638, commonly known as Dr. Bonham’s Case, in the Court of Common Pleas before Coke, the learned judge ruled that:

“In many cases, the Common Law will control Acts of Parliament, and sometimes adjudge them to be utterly void: for when an Act of Parliament is against common right and reason, or repugnant, or impossible to be performed, the common law will control it and adjudge such an Act to be void.”

Applicability To Lock-Down Laws

This applies to all the Coronavirus Act 2020 and every one of the 90 statutory instruments which have since been decreed into lawlessness without Parliamentary scrutiny, for the following reasons:

  1. They purport to have suspended the common rights of freedom of assembly, freedom of movement and freedom of conscience, as well as the rights to justice and the protection of the law, Habeus Corpus, the presumption of innocence and a private family life.
  2. They fly in the face of reason because there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that the measures imposed have done anything except cause significant harm to the British people.
  3. They are repugnant on the ground that, far from fulfilling the repeatedly stated objective of “flattening the curve”, the Office of National Statistics data proves that the lock-up [not COVID-19] doubled the national mortality rate, rendering the actions of Parliament and the government both fraudulent and genocidal in nature.
  4. The measures imposed were and remain impossible to perform, on the simple basis that the Common Law forbids such actions to be taken under any circumstances.

These actions represent clear and present ‘trespasses upon the person’, for intentional interference with the bodies and liberty of the British people, as per the rules set down by Dr Bonham’s case.

The Common Law therefore adjudges the statute and the regulations which followed to be void ab initio, whilst Parliament automatically forfeited its legitimacy by attempting to suspend the rights guaranteed under Constitutional Law.

Evidence To Indict

In other words, we have enough evidence to indict the government [and every MP], since every action they have taken was and will always remain treasonously fraudulent and constitutionally unlawful.

Is that why, if you listen very carefully, you can hear the slippery clenching of butt-cheeks every time the Secretary of State for Mandatory Vaccinations issues the daily propaganda briefing?

Could it also be the reason why the government declared yesterday that Dexamethasone [a well established treatment for pulmonary altitude sickness] has proven in tests to be an effective treatment for ‘the deadly virus’?

After all, there would be no greater trespass upon the person than Hancock’s threatened compulsory vaccination edict, which the government previously insisted was the only way out of lock-down.

Murder By Vaccination

However, he might also have been informed that the Secretary of State for Health in the Philippines has been indicted for crimes tantamount to the murder of children, who died after being vaccinated with Dengue Fever drug, Dengvaxia.

Indicted to face criminal charges with them is a negligent researcher, as well as as former and current employees of the vax manufacturer, Sanofi – the company currently working with Glaxo-Smith Kline to rush a COVID-19 vaccine on to the market.



Nonetheless, once #VaxLiesShatter in the minds of enough people, it is the politicians, their so-called ‘scientific advisers’ and the financiers of the mandatory vaccination agenda who will be locked up, until they meet their fate at the end of their trials for crimes tantamount to genocide, under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

So please share the #VaxLiesShatter material on every social media platform you give your attention to, until we reach the tipping point, at which people of all colours will realise that no lives [except their own] matter to the murderous eugenicists who pull the strings of the puppet politicians peddling their genocidal poison.

Read More in Convid-1984

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