Warning of Criminal Prosecution | Midazolam Murders
Following numerous desperate requests for assistance from relatives of potential victims of the Midazolam Murders, here lies PUB’s Warning of Criminal Prosecution notice.
This should be used in the event you strongly suspect your loved one has been unlawfully placed on the End-of-Life Pathway and is about to be prescribed a potentially fatal overdose of Midazolam in a UK hospital, care home or their own private residence.
We, the undersigned, are the family members of [NAME OF PATIENT], currently residing at [NAME OF HOSPITAL/CARE HOME/RESIDENCE] under the care of Doctor _____________.
This WARNING OF CRIMINAL PROSECUTION is hereby served upon any and all medical professionals who are involved in [NAME’S] treatment, in any respect whatsoever. FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT: neither [NAME OF PATIENT] nor the family of [NAME] consent to Midazolam being prescribed and given to [HIM/HER], on the basis that there is abundant evidence that the drug is being used to euthanize people in hospitals and care homes, as per UK Government Policy.
As you are well aware, any doctor consultant or medical professional must seek the full and informed consent of the patient and/or family, before administering any kind of palliative care drug. They also have a duty under their Hippocratic Oath to explain any and all medical procedures, including the benefits and risks, along with any possible alternatives.
Moreover, there can be no informed consent when the individual is not provided with full disclosure as to the contents and potential side-effects of a prescribed medicine/medical intervention – necessarily including the potential risk of death.
On 21st December, 2021, a Private Criminal Prosecution (PCP) was filed in a Magistrates’ Court by the People’s Union of Britain (PUB), against 8 defendants who stand accused of deliberately using Midazolam in order to unlawfully euthanize elderly patients in several locations around the country. By the conclusion of these proceedings, we expect thousands of doctors, nurses and white collar professionals will be indicted on the same charge.
Invariably, these most serious of crimes have been marked by callous disregard of the patients’ and family wishes, in the face of a common practice of prematurely ending the lives of certain targeted demographics – such as the over 65’s – that is endemic nationwide and tantamount to mass murder by government policy, as well as crimes against humanity.
For the purposes of assisting PUB in running the urgent prosecution of the defendants in a criminal court, a committed team of vastly experienced investigators and legal practitioners has been formed to make sure that anyone who has participated in the conspiracy to use Midazolam (and combinations of Midazolam, Morphine and any other ‘Palliative Care’ drugs) to murder an estimated 160,000 people a year in the UK alone, will be held accountable for their indefensible crimes.
Furthermore, this international task-force has the means to file conspiracy to commit mass murder charges wherever the accused are located and irrespective of political office. This will be implemented under the protection of the Treaty of Universal Community Trust, which represents the only international treaty ratified for the express purposes of eradicating murder by government in all its forms.
Wherefore, you are hereby served notice that you MUST immediately confirm in signed writing that you will not comply with the criminal government policy to euthanize anybody [including NAME OF PATIENT] placed on the End-of-Life Pathway with lethal overdoses of Midazolam, as prescribed by the NICE guidelines.
In the event that this notice is not acted upon and [NAME] dies or suffers injury of any kind, each and every individual who is involved in [HIS/HER] treatment will be held liable for what we will regard as a murder by government policy and we will initiate criminal proceedings against them without further notice.
Please be advised that we are also monitoring [HIS/HER] care, along with [HIS/HER] water and food intake; and we want to be made aware of every medication [HE/SHE] is given, along with dose size(s) and frequency, as is our legal right as close family members.
Nevertheless, you are doubtless aware that an individual who has knowledge a crime is being committed, has a moral and civic responsibility to do what they can to prevent it. It is therefore our publicly expressed intention that we will act in whatever capacity proves necessary, in order to prevent or abate this most heinous of crimes.
Finally, given the clear and present danger to [NAME], please comprehend that this serious legal missive is to be taken lightly at the utmost peril to your continued liberty and must be acted upon without equivocation.
In sincerity & honour, without vexation, malice or mischief,
Acting Trustee(s) of the People’s Union of Britain
Errors & Omissions Excepted
Service Instructions
Simply download this missive at the link below, then fill out the blanks [deleting when appropriate], sign, print and serve, either by hand or recorded mail, upon the intended recipients.
Whenever possible, it would also be advisable to assist your loved ones in discharging themselves, in the event they are being held on a hospital ward or in a care home where you have reason to suspect that this murderous government policy is being implemented and enforced.
Nevertheless, if you have evidence that your loved one has already been murdered by lethal injection of this unlicensed drug, whether on a hospital ward, in a care home or in their own home, those responsible can be added to the growing list of defendants in PUB’s Private Criminal Prosecution of the Midazolam Murderers.
One way or another, justice will be done and there will be no place for the guilty to hide when that eventuality inevitably transpires.