UK Supreme Court Re-Affirms ‘Fraud Unravels All’ As Public Policy
For those who are looking for evidence that the English establishment is preparing the ground for the forthcoming deluge of applications to cancel fraudulent mortgages, you really need to take a look this.
The Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that “fraud unravels all”, in a case called Takhar v Gracefield Developments Ltd and ors. [2019] UKSC 13, in which they overturned the previous decision of the Court of Appeal.
Quoting from the article at the link below:
“The Court of Appeal ([2017] EWCA 147) unanimously held that, unless the innocent losing party had shown that in not unearthing the fraud it had nevertheless acted with reasonable diligence, it would allow the fraudulently obtained judgment to stand. A seven-judge Supreme Court unanimously reversed the Court of Appeal.”
A Historic and Binding Decision
This monumentally important, historic and binding decision lays the ground for a High Court declaration that all fraudulently obtained mortgage possession orders are illegal and void, which, of course, we will be seeking in the planed Representative Actions this summer.
In addition, this decision also means that the Land Registry can no longer refuse to cancel illegal mortgages when fraud has been proven against a bank, which they so often have on the long-established and fallacious ground that every judgment of a court must be obeyed, even if founded on a fraudulent claim.
I have therefore never been more convinced that our moment is now. What we do with it will determine whether we leave an infinitely better world for our children, or condemn them to lives of servitude to a fraudulent banking industry and rigged courts system.
Doing nothing is simply not an option when we are armed with all the information necessary to end such tyranny on these shores, That information is contained within TGBMS and TGBMS: Next Steps. which are playing at Vue and Odeon cinemas from the 3rd of May.
Shout It From The Rooftops
So now is the time to shout from the rooftops to everybody who thinks they have a legal mortgage:
“Your mortgage has been fraudulently registered, you have the legal right to cancel it and claim compensation for your losses and you absolutely must see The Great British Mortgage Swindle!!!”
Visit the official website for The Great British Mortgage Swindle:
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