UCT Crypto Rewards & Heartfelt Thanks From The Bernician
In fulfillment of my promise of a few months ago and to show my profound appreciation for all the support I have received over the course of the past two years, during which this obscure, blacklisted blog has had more than 2.7 million views and my work has garnered more than 125,000 followers and subscribers across all platforms, I am finally in a position to reciprocate your generosity.
As some of you already know, last summer, I founded two new credit based cryptocurrencies under the government-free, tax-exempt jurisdiction of Universal Community Trust – UCT Token and UCT Cash – both of which are created from commercial paper assets which are permanently held as reserves.
Whilst the launch of the tokens has been delayed because of minor technical issues, both have already been listed on the decentralized Coinpaprika exchange and established stable prices at around $24 each, as you can see for your self at the links below.
UCT Token Rewards
The tokens have already been swapped in small amounts with all the major tokens on the MATIC network, including Ethereum, DAI and USDC, but they can also be purchased on the major DEFI exchanges with pretty much every fungible token on the network.
In other words, UCT Tokens can be exchanged for other crypto in micro-transactions, which can in turn be exchanged for fiat money. However, once the tokens are launched, which will happen early in the new year, the value we can swap in UCT Tokens will rise with the value of the tokens that are exchanged for them, which will result in transactions of both low and high value becoming a practical reality.
Once that occurs, the UCT Marketplace will be launched, within which any individual and business will be able to trade without tax or regulation, under the government-free jurisdiction created by the Treaty of Universal Community Trust.
I am therefore offering rewards at the same value of the most generous tip I have received – $2,400 worth of UCT Tokens – to everybody who has thrown a tip of any value in the Tips Jar.
However, if you are either a subscriber who hasn’t thrown a tip in the jar, or you have thrown one in but you aren’t a subscriber, please read on because I am offering rewards of 10 UCT Tokens for your fantastic support as well.
For the purposes of which, you will all need to follow the instructions below to create and install a Metamask crypto wallet in your browser and add the UCT Token contract address, so you can receive your reward.
Step 1: Install your Metamask Wallet
Video tutorial walking you through:
- How to install Metamask wallet,
- How to enable UCT Token and other custom tokens in Metamask,
- How to find your receive wallet address, so that someone can send you cryptocurrency tokens,
- How to ensure your Metamask wallet is secure.
Some things to note:
When you first install your Metamask wallet, it will default to the Ethereum Mainnet. In the next few videos, we will show you how to change it over to the Polygon/Matic Mainnet, which we’ll be using for transactions with the two UCT tokens, UCT and UCTC.
Step 2: Configure your existing Metamask Wallet to Polygon / Matic Mainnet
Video tutorial walking you through:
- How to configure your existing Metamask wallet to the Polygon / Matic Mainnet network,
- How to enable UCT Token and UCT Cash as custom tokens in your Matic Mainnet configured Metamask wallet,
- How to find your receive wallet address on the Matic Mainnet, so that someone can send you UCT Token or UCT Cash.
Some things to note:
As we will be using UCT Token and UCT Cash on the Polygon / Matic Mainnet network, you must do this step in order to be able to receive or transact with any of the UCT tokens.
How To Receive Your UCT Token Reward
After completing all of the tasks outlined in the guides above [created by the wonderful Kathryn Newey], simply reply to any of your subscriber emails with ‘CRYPTO REWARDS’ in the subject header and your UCT Token Metamask wallet address in the body of the message.
As long as your email address corresponds with the one collected when you threw a tip [or tips] in the jar, 100 UCT Tokens will be transferred to your wallet by the date the tokens are publicly launched in the new year.
If you are not a subscriber but you have thrown a tip in the jar, please subscribe and reply to the confirmation email with the same subject header and your UCT Token wallet address in the body. 10 UCT Tokens will then be sent to you in due course.
In the event you are a subscriber to this blog and you haven’t been able to throw a tip in the jar, you can follow the same instructions and you will be sent 10 UCT Tokens as an expression of my appreciation for your support of my work.
Eternal Gratitude
It’s been one hell of a year but significant progress towards the end of COVID-1984 has nevertheless been made, with the Midazolam Murders case now filed in a criminal court and millions of people finally raising their voices in anger, over what they are starting to recognise as the most serious crimes imaginable, which have been perpetrated against us all by government.
To put this genuine awakening into perspective, when I first started posting on this subject in the spring of 2020, most people were too scared to even share or like my posts on social media, let alone help generate the millions of impressions you now do every month.
None of that would have happened were it not for the generous hearted, loyal and passionate support you have all blessed me with. These rewards I offer you all now are tokens of my eternal gratitude but they still don’t go anywhere near expressing how much that support means to me.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Best Wishes
Have a great festive season with your family and friends, ignore everything the rogue government tells you and let’s make 2022 the year the People take back control over their own lives, so that our children can sleep soundly in the beds once again, in these ancient lands and everywhere else.
Last but not least, never doubt that we will overcome the tyrannical demons who have run amok, by standing united, shoulder to shoulder, in resistance of whatever criminal diktats they issue, in the name of everything that is right.
Lots of love from Bernicia. x