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UCT Bank & The Revolutionary Credit-Based Banking System

UCT Bank & The Revolutionary Credit-Based Banking System

UCT Bank & The Revolutionary Credit-Based Banking System

In spite of truly pathetic attempts from within and without to maliciously betray my trust and to destroy everything I have worked for over the past fifteen years, I am once again the bearer of extraordinarily glad tidings.

Whilst the details will not be revealed until it’s done and dusted, suffice to say that the provision of the funds needed to acquire UCT Bank has been agreed in principle and should be made available to UCT Treasury this summer.

That being the case, UCT Treasury will then acquire a fully operational and licensed private bank, which will immediately be able to take deposit of UCT’s 1st tranche of perfected liens, as well as the fully executed and notarized bills of exchange and bearer bonds associated with them, in addition to promissory notes from UCT trustees and beneficiaries.

Then UCT’s unlimited, usury free, credit based banking system can be rolled out in every UCT Nation across the world and we can finally begin acquiring land and resources to place under our own jurisdiction.

But that’s not all.

Funds & Fungibility

It has been agreed in principle that UCT Treasury will be provided with the facility to begin exchanging its own cryptocurrencies for other currencies which are exchangeable for fiat currencies, as soon as the paperwork for the bank acquisition is complete.

This will be possible on the basis that UCT Treasury has accepted a financial proposal which will enable UCT Bank to take deposit of UCT Tokens swapped for perfected liens and to exchange them for other currencies that can be swapped for fiat currencies at face value i.e. the value of the UCT-sealed financial instruments which the tokens represent.

Whilst the means by which we will raise the credit to acquire a fully operational and licensed private bank to perform those transactions has also been agreed in principle with our financial partners, which means the acquisition should take place once all the legal and accounting formalities have been completed later this summer.

All Things UCT Webinar Tonight

All the more reason to join me at 7pm this evening for the All Things UCT Webinar.

During the webinar everybody will learn: 

1. The history of the UCT. 

2. How to assemble the documents required to join. 

3. How to execute all the documents required in the process of joining UCT.

4. Why UCT is the all-in-one solution for all the problems in the world. 

5. What you will be able to do as a member of the UCT community. 

6. The latest news on the UCT Bank and the roll out of the new credit-based financial system. 

As always, there will be a Q&A after the presentation.

Tickets for this increasingly popular webinar can be booked at the box office link below:

Hope Community Talk

Alternatively, in the event you live in the East Sussex area, I will be presenting another barnstorming UCT talk covering the same subject matter for the Hope Community on Saturday 27 July, tickets for which can be booked here:

Watch this space for news about my first ever UCT talk in London, which is also set to talk place within the next couple of months.

Rallying Cry For Nation Builders

I very much hope to see you at one of those events or another UCT gathering in the near future, as I tour the country with a rallying cry for UCT Nation Builders to join us at the earliest opportunity, to help build a better world for our children and grandchildren. 

If not now, when?

Snatching Victory From The Jaws of Defeat

In the meantime, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support of my work, without which I would have been unable to sustain myself through the most troubled of times.

Never underestimate how much that support has helped enable me to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, about which I will elaborate in my next blog post.

Until then, here’s my latest interview by the brilliant Alec Zeck of The Way Forward, who, I am delighted to say, has already expressed his intention to found a UCT nation across the Atlantic this summer.

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