The NOCA To Knockout The Tuberculosis Scamdemic
In the summer of 2008, I invented a three notice, non-judicial, administrative remedy called the Notice of Conditional Acceptance process, which over time became somewhat affectionately known by some as the NOCA.
Inevitably, the first recipient of the NOCA was a bank which claimed to have loaned me £27,000 of its own money over the course of the previous few years.
All I did initially was pledge in writing to pay what they claimed in the most expedient manner possible, upon my receipt of material evidence that the purported loan was not entirely fraudulent, which they emphatically failed to do and the fake debt was soon afterwards discharged by a debt collector, who foolishly bought the claim from the bank without verifying it.
This remedy soon became widely known as the 3 Letter Process [even though the missives sent must be notices and not letters] and was freely used by thousands of British people to discharge fraudulent credit card debts, following my publication of what I called the Robin Hoody Process, which comprised a significant development of the original three notices and culminated in a Common Law Lien being served upon the CEO of the credit bandit concerned.
It is conservatively estimated that tens of millions of pounds worth of fraudulent debt has been wiped out by Britain’s bankster-busters during the fifteen and a half years since these processes were widely distributed online.
Convid Scamdemic & Bird Flu NOCA Successes
On the basis that the premise of the NOCA is that it can be used with any subject matter whatsoever that involves any party relying upon dishonest statements in the pursuit of a certain outcome which causes material losses or harm, during the Convid Scamdemic I was commissioned to compose the following NOCA’s to assist people who were being coerced into complying with tyrannical government diktats:
All four processes resulted in the recipients abating their legal threats that the issuers of the notices would be legally prosecuted for their non-compliance, which the NOCA processes allowed to continue until all the lockdown bullshit was dropped.
Then there was the Bird Flu NOCA I assisted Calvin Perrins in drafting to assist British farmers in their fight to stop DEFRA enforcing the cull of their birds in the run up to Christmas 2022, the take up of which was so emphatic that it soon resulted in the government abandoning its policy of culling livestock to protect other livestock and people from a ‘virus’ that has never been proven to exist.
Tuberculosis NOCA
Therefore, in the event I was one of the British farmers being hounded by the UK Government to test my cattle for Tuberculosis and to begin pasteurizing the nutrient-dense raw milk my dairy herd produces, I would send them the following notice by recorded post at the earliest opportunity.
FAO: DEFRA, Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs; Tamara Finkelstein Permanent Secretary, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Steve Barclay MP, Animal and Plant Health Agency; David Holdsworth CEO, The Chartered Trading Standards Institute; John Herriman Chief Executive.
Served by email on [ADD DATE].
Dear Sir / Madam,
In relation to UK Government farming policies affecting my livestock, I hereby conditionally agree that it is necessary and in the public interest to test for tuberculosis in cattle and to pasteurize the raw milk they produce, provided that I receive the following reasonably requested items:
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that evidences the use of purified mycobacterium bovis and the scientific method to prove causation of the alleged disease, Tuberculosis, in cattle.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that uses the scientific method to rule out all other possible causes of the alleged disease Tuberculosis in cattle.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that proves that purified mycobacterium bovis causes disease in cattle when exposed naturally to the purified organism in the normal way.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of an internationally recognized, gold standard test for diagnosing Tuberculosis in cattle.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that all tests for diagnosing Tuberculosis are validated, approved and 100% accurate.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that proves use of a positive and negative control across all tests to validate the specificity of the alleged detection of the alleged disease Tuberculosis.
Given the seriousness of the issue and the amount of cattle being culled on the ground that they are allegedly infected with a bacterium that allegedly causes the symptoms classified as ‘Tuberculosis’, thereby having a seriously adverse impact upon the food supply, nutrition, businesses and people’s livelihoods, you have 7 days to respond.
In the event that evidence which proves your claims regarding the causation of Tuberculosis and the validity of testing for Tuberculosis cannot be provided within the time given, you must immediately stop all attempts to impose such destructive restrictions upon British farmers.
Moreover, every person adversely affected by your unlawful policies and coercive interference will be entitled to damages for all losses, injury and harm caused, on the basis that their alleged lawfulness is entirely predicated upon plainly false and dishonest statements.
Without malice of mischief, in sincerity and honour,
Concerned British Farmer
No Farms, No Food.
Notice of Opportunity To Cure
In the very likely event that the Concerned British Farmer does not receive an appropriate response to the first notice, Notice of Opportunity To Cure should then be sent by recorded post, giving the recipients one more chance to cease and desist.
FAO: DEFRA, Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs; Tamara Finkelstein Permanent Secretary, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Steve Barclay MP, Animal and Plant Health Agency; David Holdsworth CEO, The Chartered Trading Standards Institute; John Herriman Chief Executive.
Served by email on [ADD DATE].
Dear Sir / Madam,
In relation to UK Government farming policies affecting my livestock and following your failure to respond appropriately to the Notice of Conditional Acceptance dated [ADD DATE], I hereby reiterate that I conditionally agree it is necessary and in the public interest to test for tuberculosis in cattle and to pasteurize the raw milk they produce, provided that I receive the following reasonably requested items:
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that evidences the use of purified mycobacterium bovis and the scientific method to prove causation of the alleged disease, Tuberculosis, in cattle.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that uses the scientific method to rule out all other possible causes of the alleged disease Tuberculosis in cattle.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that proves that purified mycobacterium bovis causes disease in cattle when exposed naturally to the purified organism in the normal way.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of an internationally recognized, gold standard test for diagnosing Tuberculosis in cattle.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that all tests for diagnosing Tuberculosis are validated, approved and 100% accurate.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that proves use of a positive and negative control across all tests to validate the specificity of the alleged detection of the alleged disease Tuberculosis.
Given the seriousness of the issue and the amount of cattle being culled on the ground that they are allegedly infected with a bacterium that allegedly causes the symptoms classified as ‘Tuberculosis’, thereby having a seriously adverse impact upon the food supply, nutrition, businesses and people’s livelihoods, should you fail to respond appropriately within another 7 days, I will be entitled to damages under the common law, for all losses, injury and harm caused by your policies, on the ground that their alleged lawfulness was and remains entirely predicated upon plainly false and dishonest statements.
Such failure will also give rise to the tacit procuration of your agreement that the material evidence reasonably requested cannot be provided because it does not exist and your entire policy portfolio is predicated upon false and dishonest statements.
Without malice of mischief, in sincerity and honour,
Concerned British Farmer
No Farms, No Food.
Notice of Default
When, in the likely event that an appropriate response is still not received, the following Notice of Default should be issued, laying out the consequences of the recipient’s abject failure to provide any material evidence to validate their policies.
FAO: DEFRA, Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs; Tamara Finkelstein Permanent Secretary, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Steve Barclay MP, Animal and Plant Health Agency; David Holdsworth CEO, The Chartered Trading Standards Institute; John Herriman Chief Executive.
Served by email on [ADD DATE].
Dear Sir / Madam,
In relation to UK Government farming policies affecting my livestock and following your failure to respond appropriately to the Notice of Conditional Acceptance dated [ADD DATE] and the Notice of Opportunity To Cure dated [ADD DATE], I hereby issue Notice of Default.
Please be advised that, by tacit procuration, you are now in agreement that the following items do not exist:
- Material evidence of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that evidences the use of purified mycobacterium bovis and the scientific method to prove causation of the alleged disease, Tuberculosis, in cattle.
- Material evidence of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that uses the scientific method to rule out all other possible causes of the alleged disease Tuberculosis in cattle.
- Material evidence of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that proves that purified mycobacterium bovis causes disease in cattle when exposed naturally to the purified organism in the normal way.
- Material evidence of an internationally recognized, gold standard test for diagnosing Tuberculosis in cattle.
- Material evidence of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that all tests for diagnosing Tuberculosis are validated, approved and 100% accurate.
- Material evidence of a primary publication and/or a primary specialist peer reviewed paper that proves use of a positive and negative control across all tests to validate the specificity of the alleged detection of the alleged disease Tuberculosis.
As per the Common Law, I may now issue any and all legal proceedings deemed necessary to recover any and all losses, injuries and damages caused by your unlawful farming policies and their complete dependence upon false and dishonest statements, without further notice.
Without malice of mischief, in sincerity and honour,
Concerned British Farmer
No Farms, No Food.