The Monumental Case of R v Robert ‘Bob’ White

The Monumental Case of R v Robert ‘Bob’ White

In this hard-hitting, harrowing, heart-breaking and ultimately uplifting film about rough justice, Robert ‘Bob’ White tells his powerful story about getting violently evicted from his Kent home by the local police, in a willful and excessive display of unlawful aggression.

When Bob tragically lost his wife to live cancer, just a few months later, he dedicated his life to the memory of his beloved wife and vowed that he would do all he could to save the home which contains so many happy memories.

Three years later, after being charged with assault and then affray, Bob’s case finally proceeded to trial last week, when a jury of his peers took just 45 minutes to return a unanimous verdict of not guilty.

The incriminating footage shot on police bodycams is included in this film with the kind permission of Bob White, under the well established doctrines of Fair Use and Fair Dealing, for the purposes of providing vitally important social commentary.

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