Here lies the first in a series of posts exposing the multitude of frauds, of which Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and Neil Ferguson stand accused in PUB’s Private Criminal Prosecution, beginning with the connections between the former secretary of state for the Department of Health & Social Care and Bill Gates.
In the following passages, Hancock is referred to as the 1st defendant, whilst Whitty is the 2nd, Vallance is the 3rd and Ferguson is the 4th defendant.
In order to fully comprehend the 1st defendant’s inextricable connections with Bill Gates and his agenda to ‘vaccinate’ the world, it is necessary to first come to an understanding of the exact nature of his erstwhile public office, as Secretary of State for Health & Social Care [DHSC].
Traditionally, the office has always entailed directing UK public health policy, but the position has involved an increasing focus on the prevention and control of ‘pandemics’ and maximising ‘vaccination’ uptake since 2006.
In 2006, the United Nations [UN] issued a resolution, urging Member States to establish and implement strategies to increase ‘vaccination’ uptake, by and through making it a public health policy. The resolution also acknowledges the contributions of the WHO, UNICEF and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in determining Global ‘Immunisation’ Strategy.
Upon the evidence, the prosecution alleges that Bill Gates, along with the Wellcome Trust, has, over the course of the past 14 years, financed every element of the ‘pandemic’ frauds perpetrated, including the identification and research of ‘influenza viruses’, SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, as well as the research, development, production, distribution and marketing of the 2019-21 flu and COVID ‘vaccines’.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation reported on its website that the University of Sheffield received $100,000 in 2008, “to research whether the immune responses to DNA vaccines can be enhanced with novel adjuvants.”
This research led to the research and development of the mRNA and DNA COVID ‘vaccines’ currently licensed for emergency use in the UK by the Gates funded MHRA, most notably through the work of Gates funded Imperial College, LSHTM and Oxford University.
On 10/11/2011, the UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy 2011 was published by the UK Government, in which the following was stated about its strategic objectives:
“Any new influenza pandemic can be expected to have a significant effect on individual members of the population, the NHS and society at large. The overall objectives of the UK’s approach to planning and preparing for an influenza pandemic are therefore to:
i. Minimise the potential health impact of a future influenza pandemic by:
• Supporting international efforts to detect its emergence and early assessment of the virus by sharing scientific information.
• Promoting individual responsibility and action to reduce the spread of infection through good hygiene practices and uptake of seasonal influenza vaccination in high-risk groups.
• Ensuring the health and social care systems are ready to provide treatment and support for the large numbers likely to suffer from influenza or its complications whilst maintaining other essential care.
ii. Minimise the potential impact of a pandemic on society and the economy by:
• Supporting the continuity of essential services, including the supply of medicines, and protecting critical national infrastructure as far as possible.
• Supporting the continuation of everyday activities as far as practicable.
• Upholding the rule of law and the democratic process.
• Preparing to cope with the possibility of significant numbers of additional deaths.
• Promoting a return to normality and the restoration of disrupted services at the earliest opportunity.
iii. Instill and maintain trust and confidence by:
• Ensuring that health and other professionals, the public and the media are engaged and well informed in advance of and throughout the pandemic period and that health and other professionals receive information and guidance in a timely way so they can respond to the public appropriately.”
The 2011 document, which laid out the framework for influenza ‘pandemic’ policy, also clarified that the UK Government had no intention of shutting down the country, or suspending democracy and the rule of law, in the kind of lockdown that was proposed by the 4th defendant in the Imperial College Model and unilaterally adopted as public policy by the government as of 01/03/2020, upon the advice of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd defendants, without any public discussion or robust parliamentary debate.
UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy 2011
Also in 2011, the Gates funded University of Sheffield published its Department of Health funded study of the methods by which UK flu ‘vaccination’ uptake could be maximised.
Its academically qualified authors recommended the very policies and practices the DHSC went on to fully adopt and implement in its National Influenza Immunisation Programme, after the 2nd defendant took over as Chief Medical Officer in 2019, at the end of what Bill Gates dubbed in 2010, a ‘Decade of Vaccines’.
The openly stated purpose of Gates’ ‘Decade of Vaccines’ was to create ‘safe markets’ for ‘vaccine’ development, production and distribution, for the singular purpose of maximising ‘vaccination’ uptake worldwide, by and through securing billion dollar pre-orders from governments, as well as the indemnification of Big Pharma from civil and criminal lawsuits, in the event their products maim or kill people.
On 03/07/2015, the Secretary of State for Health approved the transfer of Porton Biopharma, Public Health England’s (PHE’s) clinical drug development and production capability, into a stand-alone, state-owned biopharmaceutical limited company. During the previous tax year, the company recorded profits in excess of £44 million, largely from the sale of Anthrax ‘vaccines’.
From the day the 1st defendant took sole control of the company, as a succeeding Secretary of State for the DHSC in the summer of 2018, it cannot be argued that he has not had a material vested interest in the maximisation of ‘vaccination’ uptake in Britain, in accordance with Gates’ long-term plan to achieve that across the world.
Or that his ministerial office’s commitment to do all it can to facilitate such an outcome was not established well before the 1st defendant became Secretary of State for the DHSC, by way of the UK Government’s commitment to work towards achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals, one of which is to facilitate the ‘immunisation’ of the entire population of the world.
It is matter of public record that the 1st defendant assumed the office of Secretary of State for the DHSC on 09/07/2018, during the final days of Theresa May’s premiership, when the headlines in the press and social media platforms in the UK were still dominated by Brexit related issues.
On 24/01/2019, Matt Hancock met Bill Gates at The World Economic Forum to discuss infection control at the global level. The details of the discussion have been subject to an FOI request, but the Cabinet Office replied that the information requested was not held on record.
Once May announced her resignation, the 1st defendant launched a failed bid to become the new leader of the Conservative Party, which he lost to current Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, who nevertheless initially retained him in his cabinet as the head of the DHSC, following the government’s landslide victory in the General Election on 12/12/2019.
One year after their first meeting, on 24/01/2020, the 1st defendant held a ministerial meeting at the DHSC with Bill and Melinda Gates, to discuss “antimicrobial resistance and research”.
Another FOI request specifically asked about the meeting: “whether “lockdown” or “suppression” or “quarantine of healthy populations” or any other form of words meaning the same thing was discussed and why.”
Since the response to the FOI request has revealed that the DHSC holds no information as to the details of the discussion between the 1st defendant and Gates, unless proven otherwise, the prosecution will presume that they discussed the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ and acceleration of its development, six days before the Gates funded WHO declared a worldwide Public Health Emergency, on 30/01/2020.
Between those two meeting with Gates, ministerial records show that the 1st defendant held numerous ministerial meetings with GSK, the Wellcome Trust and other representatives of the stakeholders of the ‘vaccine’ industry.
The minutes of those meetings have not been publicly disclosed, but the prosecution presumes, on the balance of probabilities, that the subjects discussed included the 2019-20 National Influenza Immunisation Programme and other drugs that were being purchased by the UK Government from some of the parties at the meetings.
Nevertheless, the public statements made by the 1st defendant over the course of the entire ‘pandemic’ have confirmed him as one of the most vocal advocates of bulk-buying UK-produced ‘vaccines’, each of which has been researched, developed and manufactured with money donated by Bill Gates, in one form or another, in service of his plan to maximise ‘vaccination’ uptake and attain trillionaire status by doing so.
By way of two prime examples, the 1st defendant stated in a press release on 17/04/2020, in relation to the launch that day of the UK ‘Vaccine’ Taskforce:
“We’re doing everything possible to save lives and beat this disease, and that includes working flat out with businesses, researchers and industry to find a vaccine as quickly as possible.
The UK is world-leading in developing vaccines. We are the biggest contributor to the global effort – and preparing to ensure we can manufacture vaccines here at home as soon as practically possible.”
Then, on 13/07/2020, the Independent published the following statements:
“Matt Hancock has said the UK will see the biggest seasonal flu vaccination drive in history this winter to try and mitigate the fear of a winter crisis mixed with coronavirus.
Speaking remotely at the National Pharmacy Association annual conference, Mr Hancock said the government was planning now for winter, adding: “We’re going to frankly need to use all of the capabilities at our disposal to deliver the vaccine programmes that we need to in the months ahead.”
There are mounting concerns that a severe winter or flu epidemic on top of any second wave of Covid-19 infections could overwhelm the NHS for a second time leading to more deaths and cancelled operations.
Mr Hancock said community pharmacists would be key to helping vaccinate as many at risk people such as the elderly and those with underlying conditions.
He said: “We all know that having had an incredibly difficult six months, the next big moment is as winter approaches. We’re currently planning in detail for winter. And we’re expecting high demand and pharmacies will play a critical role.
“There’s a huge amount of work to do. We still don’t know the long-term health impacts of coronavirus. We still have just one treatment that’s clinically proven to be effective in reducing its impact.”
“We’re working hard on a combination of the Covid vaccination programme, should a vaccine work, and of course, the science on that is as yet unproven. And of course, the biggest flu vaccination programme in history. I want to see pharmacies involved in that flu vaccine roll-out.”
This uncontested evidence contains statements from the 1st defendant which confirm that his ministerial department launched the biggest campaign in history to maximise flu ‘vaccination’ uptake, just four months into the ‘COVID-19 Pandemic’. It also confirms that the DHSC was planning to apply the same strategies to maximise the uptake of the fast-tracked COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, in which the 1st defendant declared that the UK was taking a leading role.
Upon the evidence, the prosecution alleges that the 1st defendant and Bill Gates had both the motive and the opportunity, from 24/01/2019 to 24/01/2020, to agree that the ‘COVID-19 Pandemic’ would be used to maximise ‘vaccination’ uptake in the UK and the rest of the world.
It is also logically feasible that the 1st defendant agreed to do so in order to secure Gates’ support of any future Conservative Party leadership bid he might make, or in the event he ever becomes Prime Minister; as well as for the purposes of securing and fulfilling obligations related to other past and future material gains, from the UK Government’s commercial partnership with the ‘vaccine’ industry.