Beginner’s Guide To The Bernician Remedies
For your consideration, there now follows a beginner’s guide to the most popular and well established of The Bernician Remedies, all of which have been developed and perfected over the course of the past seventeen years.
These remedies are and always have been published on this blog or elsewhere, free for everybody to download and use for their own private purposes, provided there is absolutely no commercial exploitation of the downloaded content.
Nevertheless, all of these tried and tested administrative remedies would have to reside behind a paywall, were it not for the generous support I receive for my work, which remains free to download only because of the subscribers, followers and friends of The Bernician who are able to show their appreciation by throwing a tip in the jar, as you can do at the link below, should you feel so inclined.
That being said, I hereby guarantee everybody who engages in any of these administrative processes that, provided you strictly adhere to all the directions given by me or one of my close associates, the only way the remedy does not work is when the tyranny and corruption of the Stalinist state prevails, in relation to which I will elaborate below.
Introduction – The NOCA Remedies
In the summer of 2008, I invented a three notice, non-judicial, administrative remedy called the Notice of Conditional Acceptance process, which over time became somewhat affectionately known by some as the NOCA.
Inevitably, the first recipient of the NOCA was a bank which claimed to have loaned me £27,000 of its own money over the course of the previous few years.
All I did initially was pledge in writing to pay what they claimed in the most expedient manner possible, upon my receipt of material evidence that the purported loan was not entirely fraudulent, which they emphatically failed to provide and the fake debt was soon afterwards discharged by a debt collector, who foolishly bought the claim from the bank for a discounted price without verifying it.
This remedy soon became widely known as the 3 Letter Process [even though the missives sent must be notices and not letters] and was freely used by thousands of British people to discharge fraudulent credit card debts, following my publication of what I called the Robin Hoody Process, which comprised a significant development of the original three notices and culminated in a Common Law Lien being served upon the CEO of the credit bandits concerned.
It is conservatively estimated that tens of millions of pounds worth of fraudulent debt has been wiped out by Britain’s bankster-busters using a version of this process, during the sixteen years since they were first widely distributed online.
Convid Scamdemic & Bird Flu NOCA Successes
On the basis that the premise of the NOCA is that it can be used with any subject matter whatsoever that involves any party relying upon dishonest statements, in the pursuit of a certain outcome which causes material losses or harm, during the Convid Scamdemic I was commissioned to compose the following NOCA’s to assist people who were being coerced into complying with tyrannical government diktats:
All four processes resulted in the recipients abating their legal threats that the issuers of the notices would be legally prosecuted for their non-compliance, which the NOCA processes secured the continuation of until all the lockdown bullshit was dropped.
Then there was the Bird Flu NOCA I assisted fellow UCT Trustee, Calvin Perrins, in drafting, to assist British farmers in their fight to stop DEFRA enforcing the cull of their birds during the run up to Christmas 2022.
The take up of the process amongst British farmers was so emphatic that it soon resulted in the government abandoning its policy of culling livestock, allegedly to protect other livestock and people from a ‘virus’ that cannot be proven to exist.
Several months ago, I then published the TB NOCA process, once again devised by Calvin and myself, this time with the aim of assisting any British farmers who were being pressurized by the government to cull their cattle over the TB scamdemic.
In addition, only recently I have started publishing the Climate-Crap NOCA and lien processes, which have been devised and implemented by another UCT Trustee, Carlo Weeks, who has politely asked the UN Secretary General, the IPCC, WMO & IMO to provide evidence which justifies the destructive actions they have taken in the name of ‘saving the planet’.
Miscellaneous Remedies For All
That’s before I mention the TGBMS Grounds, which demonstrate the proven institutionalized frauds of the entire UK mortgage industry, for the purposes of which I spent nine years making a film called The Great British Mortgage Swindle with Michael O’Deira, which you can watch for free here:
Lest we forget, I have also created an elaborate template for a new advanced, government-free, tax-exempt, civilisation, complete with an asset-backed, credit-based monetary system, which places the power to create credit back in the hands of The People, where it belongs.
That template is called Universal Community Trust. It is free for anybody to join and become one of our ever-growing number, wherever you live in this world.
In essence, UCT is the Ultimate Remedy to government tyranny, which is why we are now two hundred independent, sovereign nations strong [an additional post on this subject will follow shortly].
All being well, we will also be in a position to launch UCT Bank early in the new year, when we will deposit £51 billion worth of commercial paper fixed assets to capitalize the roll out of our all-new, usury-free, tax-exempt, asset-backed, credit-based currency.
User-Supported Content
Despite the imminent dawn of unlimited credit, due to the enormous increase in costs I have inevitably incurred just maintaining my web presence, it would be fantastic if you could throw a tip in the jar to show your appreciation for my work [but only if and when you are able because I know money is tight for almost everybody right now].
However, The Bernician is a free user-supported internet resource of fact-based content and would not exist as it is were it not for the generous, loyal and gracious support of many thousands of people from all over the world, each of whom has contributed to keeping the content freely available to anybody who needs it for more than a decade.
In kindly making a donation at the link above, you will be helping keep this platform’s eclectic library of content, including templates for administrative remedies that actually work, paywall free, whilst all donations, large and small, are always equally and greatly appreciated.
So if you are in a position to do so, please leave a tip for everything I already have given away for free and hope to continue giving away for the benefit of all who need it.
Just as I have done since I raised my head above the parapet in September 2008, when I revoked my consent to be governed by criminals and declared my own sovereignty, about which you can read here.
Nonetheless, however you show your support for my work, in whichever form it comes, thank you. Your kindness, loyalty, patience and faith will never be forgotten.