TGBMS Class Actions Update | First Draft Claim Form Served on Chief Land Registrar
Later than initially anticipated due to circumstances beyond our control, I am delighted to inform you that the first draft claim from in the TGBMS Class Actions has been served on the Chief Land Registrar for England and Wales, who has 28 days to respond.
If you signed a mortgage deed before you owned the property you needed a ‘loan’ from the bank to purchase, whether on the instructions of the conveyancing solicitor or an agent of the bank, you are represented in this action, which seeks the following declarations from the High Court:
The mortgages concerned were mistakenly registered by the Land Registry because the instruments were dishonestly made and falsely delivered as deeds, in breach of section 1 of the LPMPA 1989, which renders them void under section 52(1) of the Law of Property Act 1925.
As such they must be removed from the Charges Register by the Chief Land Registrar, as mistakes caused by institutionalised frauds; and the void mortgagors affected are entitled to be indemnified for all the losses incurred as a direct result of the illegal registrations; all of which is in accordance with Land Registry Practice Direction 39.
We will also be seeking an interim order suspending all mortgage possession claims in England and Wales, pending the outcome of the class action to end the registration of fraudulent mortgages.
This will soon be followed by the service of the second draft claim form, for and on behalf of every remortgagor who signed the deed without a preceding mortgage contract, incorporating the terms and conditions and signed by both parties, in breach of section 2 of the 1989 Act.
Once we have sustained these claims in England and Wales, it is our intention to rely upon them in class actions to achieve the same outcomes in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Join the TGBMS Class Actions:
Rest assured that your data is and will remain safe and secure, whilst it will only be shared with any other third party for the purposes of the TGBMS Class Actions. If at any time you want to withdraw your data, it will be deleted from our database upon your written request.
Whatever our increasingly desperate detractors will tell you, the TGBMS Class Actions are moving forward, with claims the banksters will never have the opportunity to defend.
From anybody’s perspective, it is always a great advantage to prevent our adversaries from even turning up on the designated battle field, especially when we the party we will face has more reasons to capitulate than Bank of Scotland did in our case a year ago.
Wherefore, onward and upward we go.
Related Links
United Bank of Kuwait v Sahib & Others | Times Law Report
Mortgage Fraud 101 | The Section 2 Point and the Law Commission
The Enforceability & Unenforceablility of Charges Over Land
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Mortgage Fraud 101: Summary of The TGBMS Grounds
Join The Unlawful Eviction Prevention Force
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