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TGBMS Class Actions | Seeking A Moratorium On Mortgage Possession Claims

TGBMS Class Actions | Seeking A Moratorium On Mortgage Possession Claims

Whilst I am somewhat restricted as to what I can reveal at this stage, I am extremely encouraged to be the bearer of potentially fantastic news regarding the TGBMS Class Actions to end mortgage fraud.

Having been contacted by a senior policy adviser to an All-Party Treasury Select Committee, I took the opportunity to make an offer that benefits both the Parliament-backed Forged Signature Campaign and every illegal mortgagor in Britain.

An Offer Made In Good Faith

In simple terms, I have offered to share all the evidence we have of endemic signature forgery with the on-going SFO and NCA investigations, as well as present hundreds of files of evidence proving institutionalised mortgage fraud to the committee in person.

In return, I have asked that they support our forthcoming application for a moratorium to be declared on all mortgage possession claims, pending the outcome of the class actions.

Given that Barclays recently declared such a moratorium for two months, following service of the TGBMS Grounds and allegations of forged signatures by a courageous void mortgagor, procuring such an outcome is not beyond the boundaries of reasonable expectation.

In which case, the TGBMS Class Actions would proceed through the courts without a single mortgagor being evicted from their property, which would comprise the most extraordinary result to date.

Needless to say, it would also represent the end of unlawful evictions by mortgage possession order, when [and not if] we win the judgments in each of the class actions.

Declaration From The Lord Chancellor

Furthermore, in the seemingly unlikely event my offer to present the TGBMS evidence to the Treasury Select Committee is accepted, we might even be able to secure a moratorium on evictions, without ever having to apply to a court for one.

This would occur in the event that the committee rules that the evidence demands such a moratorium be declared by the Lord Chancellor, who could lay such a declaration before Parliament in a statutory instrument, under his inherent ministerial power to restore the integrity of the justice system.

However, if my offer is rejected, we will then know that Parliament remains complicit in the protection of the banksters from the consequences of their crimes and that the SFO and NCA investigations will turn out to be yet another whitewash.

Encouraging Progress

Nevertheless, my friends, observe how far we have traveled since the release of The Great British Mortgage Swindle a year ago and it is impossible not to feel truly encouraged by the unprecedented progress we have made.

None of it would have ever been possible were it not for your unwavering and ever-growing support, which has already made TGBMS a hit film on Amazon and taken us to within sight of ending mortgage fraud on these shores.

When that day dawns, we will hold TGBMS street parties to celebrate the biggest transfer of wealth from the banks to the people in history and our children will sleep safer in their beds.

Unbent, Unbowed & Ready

Until that transpires, we will remain as we have been for the past decade – unbent, unbowed and ready at a moment’s notice to seize every opportunity that presents itself, for the purposes of making sure that day dawns with as few people suffering as possible between now and then.

So please tell everybody you know – the Bankster’s Apocalypse is upon us and the people will not back down until justice is done over forged signatures and fraudulent mortgages, even if Parliament decides to turn a blind eye to such blatant financial racketeering.

Related Links

Historic Judgment Which Changed Everything For UK Mortgagors

Bank Abandons Mortgage Possession Claim After Mortgagor Alleges Fraud

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Mortgage Fraud 101: Summary of The TGBMS Grounds

Join The Unlawful Eviction Prevention Force

So You Want To Join The Class Actions To End UK Mortgage Fraud


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