Testimonies Project | Censored Story of Israeli Vaxxine Adverse Events

Testimonies Project | Censored Story of Israeli Vaxxine Adverse Events

“What can I tell you. Your son goes to sleep and in the morning you find him dead. It’s horrible.”

Meir Jacob, 66 year old Israeli father of a teenage son who died two weeks after his second shot of the government mandated Pfizer vaxxine.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that we maximise the number of people who see this truly harrowing documentary about the serious and fatal adverse events caused by mandatory vaxx policy in Israel.

This film has already been banned from the Israeli media because the testimony it so diligently documents is simply incontestable, on the basis that it focuses on the witness statements of the survivors and the family members of those who have died shortly after being vaxxed.

Please share this post far and wide because the video was ‘removed’ by YouTube just thirteen hours after it was posted last night, having already had close to 5,000 views, with a 99.6% approval rating.

Heavily Censored Content Appeal

Not only that but it resulted in my very first ‘strike’ on my YouTube Channel, for allegedly posting ‘medical misinformation’, to which I have responded with the following appeal of the 7 day ban on releasing videos they are attempting to impose:

Your claim that eye witness and victim testimony to serious and fatal ‘vaccine’ adverse events is ‘medical misinformation’ is utterly spurious.

In fact, you are committing a criminal offence by deliberately suppressing evidence that the Israeli people are being forced to take a ‘vaccine’ that is known to have serious and fatal effects.

Given your owner’s alleged investment in the very ‘vaccine’ concerned, this comprises a clear conflict of interests which renders both yourselves and your owner liable for civil damages, as well as the suppression of criminal evidence for financial gain.

In the event you fail to remove the strike and un-ban the video within the next 72 hours, consider this Notice of Intended Legal Proceedings by the People’s Union of Britain [PUB].

Alternative & Mainstream Connections

It goes without saying that I will let you know in the event YouTube complies with my perfectly reasonable demand, but please subscribe to my back-up video channel on Odysee, where you can see all the content which YouTube has removed, as well as every other upload which still remains on both channels:

Follow The Bernician’s Odysee Channel

In addition, given that I am now regularly being suspended from using Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, it would be great if you could follow & subscribe to my channels on these alternative social media platforms:

Follow The Bernician on Gab
Subscribe To The Bernician On Minds
Follow The Bernician On MeWe
Subscribe To The Bernician’s Bitchute Channel

However, for as long as the pages are still up there, you can still follow me on the censored mainstream platforms:

Follow The Bernician on Facebook
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Heartfelt Thanks

As always, thank you all so much for your indomitable, loyal and generous support of my work, which will not go unrewarded in the run-up to the Christmas our adversaries are threatening to cancel.

Suffice to say, under the criminal government-free jurisdiction of Universal Community Trust, the political puppets in Whitehall and those who pull their strings in the City of London have no lawful authority to enforce anything.

For all of those who are waiting for news on the progress of the PCP against the perpetrators of the Midazolam Murders, with a fair wind there will be an update posted on this blog before the end of the week.

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