Revoking Consent To be Governed | Sovereign Claim of Right

Revoking Consent To be Governed |  Sovereign Claim of Right

Revoking Consent To be Governed | Sovereign Claim of Right

In August 2008 CE, I came to a seemingly inevitable crossroads in this present incarnation. Unforeseen circumstances had presented me with two choices: declare Lawful Rebellion under Article 61 of the Magna Carta; or revoke my consent to governed by serving Elizabeth II a SOVEREIGN DECLARATION & CLAIM OF RIGHT.

For two very simple reasons, I chose to do the latter.

Firstly, Lawful Rebellion never made any sense to me, since I have never had any allegiance to the monarchy, notwithstanding any invisible or implied social contracts, which meant that I was simply not able to declare that I was withholding my allegiance until the restoration of the monarch’s constitutional responsibilities.

Secondly, my own research on the Common Law had already revealed to me that:

a. Rebellion is never lawful; and

b. Lawful Rebellion is therefore a legal oxymoron.

Furthermore, serving a claim of right allowed me to express my own feelings about the state of the world and the nation I was adopted by at birth, as well as my intentions regarding the way in which I was going to proceed in my life, from a philosophical perspective, as well as a legal or lawful one.

In the autumn of 2008, I served such a document by Post Office Recorded Delivery upon the Queen at Buckingham Palace, to which I received no sort of response.

In the spring of 2009, I amended the document to reflect the knowledge I had gleaned over the previous six months and sent it to Buckingham Palace by Special Delivery. The redacted version of the superseding document is transcribed below.


I, Michael-John of Bernicia, a blessed living soul, in the physical form of a flesh and blood Man, who, according to the eye-witness testimony of my biological mother, separated from her womb in the General Hospital of the county borough of Place of Birth, on the Date of Birth, do hereby state clearly and unequivocally that the following is a Verified Plain Statement of the Facts as I perceive them.

Whereas, it is my understanding that:

1. Natural Law, also known as the Law of Nature, is that which the Supreme Being, the Sovereign of the Universe and Creator of all that is, has prescribed to all Mankind, not by any formal promulgation, but by the internal dictate of reason alone, and,
2. Natural Law forms the permanent and underlying basis of all law and theories of Natural Law have been an integral part of jurisprudence throughout legal history, and,
3. Natural Law is to be distinguished from Positive Law, which is the body of law created by Man, and,
4. Natural Law is both anterior and superior to Positive Law, and,
5. The principals of Natural Law derive from the Fundamental Laws of the Universe, and,
6. The Fundamental Laws of the Universe include (without limitation) the Law of Allowance, the Law of Intent and the Law of Balance, and,
7. The Law of Allowance dictates that all sentient beings must be allowed to exercise their own Freewill at all times and without exception, and,
8. Common Law is that which derives its force and authority from the universal consent and immemorial practice of the people; it has never received the sanction of the legislature by an express act, which is the criterion by which it is distinguished from Statute Law, and
9. In accord with the Laws of Nature, Common Law dictates that all Men and Women are free to do what they choose for themselves, provided they do not infringe the rights to life, freedom, equity and/or the peaceful possession of property of another, and,
10. The land commonly known as England is a Common Law jurisdiction, and,
11. Parliament and the National Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are legal entities, and as such, they are not immune from bankruptcy and insolvency laws, and,
12. Legal entities of any and all natures and descriptions necessarily require voluntary agreements in order to make claim to or assert authority and/or control over other parties and/or their property, and,
13. A ‘statute’ is the written will of the legislature, used in contradistinction to Common Law; it is considered a legislated rule of a society which has been given the force of law by the voluntary consent of its members, and,
14. A ‘society’ is a community of Men and Women united together by mutual consent, in order to deliberate, determine and act jointly for some common goal and/or purpose, and,
15. No Man or Woman, whether Monarch, Prime Minister, Pope, politician, judge or public servant of any description, is above the Fundamental Laws of the Universe, Natural Law and Common Law, and equity before the law is paramount and mandatory, and,
16. A ‘Sovereign’ is a man who governs himself independently of any foreign control, in the union and exercise of all human power possessed in a Sovereign Head of State and/or government, and,
17. ‘Government’ is the manner in which sovereignty is exercised in each Sovereign State, and ‘democracy’ is that form of government in which the sovereign power is exercised by the people in a body; therefore, ‘democratic government’ is the body which exercises the sovereign power of the people who consented to it, and,
18. The enforcement of government policy by coercive and/or deceptive methods is always, and without exception, a breach of Natural Law and Common Law, even if those methods are permitted or prescribed under statute or the orders of criminal governments, and,
19. The only form of democratic government which is recognised as lawful anywhere on the Earth is a representative one, and,
20. Representative government necessarily requires the voluntary consent of the governed, and,
21. In the absence of the voluntary consent of the governed, representative government cannot lawfully exist, under any circumstances whatsoever, and,
22. Men and Women born anywhere on Earth have a natural and unalienable right to self-determination and self-governance, and can therefore, at any time, choose to revoke or deny their consent to be governed, and,
23. Any flesh and blood Man or Woman who does revoke or deny their consent to be governed is free from government control and statutory obligations, restrictions and restraints of any and all natures and descriptions, and,
24. A perfected Claim of Right establishes a ‘lawful excuse’, and this factual truth is clearly expressed in the Theft Act 1968 and the Criminal Damage Act 1971, in relation to situations where the law creates and vests a specific right to disregard statutory obligations under certain circumstances, and,
25. In English law, a statutory breach made under a Claim of Right is considered to be a limited form of offence, as demonstrated in the case of Chamberlain v Lindon 1998 1 WLR 1252 [1], after Lindon demolished a wall to protect a right-of-way. Despite allowing nine months to pass before acting, Lindon honestly believed that it was immediately necessary to protect his legal rights without having to resort to civil litigation. It is not necessary to decide whether Lindon’s action was justified as a matter of civil law. For the purposes of criminal law, what matters is whether Lindon believed that his actions were reasonable, i.e. a subjective test. Thus, a lawful excuse may be acknowledged by a court to arise when an individual honestly, even if mistakenly, believes that their actions are necessary and reasonable, and,
26. ‘De facto’ denotes that something exists as a matter of fact, rather than of lawful right, and,
27. Any flesh and blood Man or Woman acting with lawful excuse is not in breach of any law in choosing to disobey any de facto government, court, tribunal, statute, act, bill, code, by-law, warrant, writ, directive, regulation, edict, decree, treaty or order, and,
28. The legitimacy of HER MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN & NORTHERN IRELAND, the authority of the CROWN and the jurisdiction of the Courts of England & Wales are de facto in nature, since every government, court and/or Parliament loses its legitimacy by default when it commits or assents to international war crimes or when it wages illegal wars under fraudulent pretexts and without the consent of the people, for the profit and gain of the shareholders and stakeholders of the Military-Industrial Complex, as the foregoing entities have done with regard to the Anglo-American occupations and ruthless plunder of Afghanistan and Iraq, and,
29. Any and all agreements made for and on behalf of the indigenous people of the islands commonly known as Great Britain, by HER MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN & NORTHERN IRELAND, THE CROWN, THE CITY OF LONDON, THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE UNITED NATIONS, and/or any of their executives, agencies, officers, partners, trustees, creditors, representatives, affiliates or any other legal entities, organisations or individuals, do not in any way legally bind the Men and Women of Great Britain who have revoked or denied their consent to be governed, nor do any of those agreements preclude the unalienable rights of the indigenous peoples of Great Britain to self-determination and self-governance, and,
30. Without dishonour, in the absence of my explicit, voluntary and sealed consent, I refuse to be bound by agreements made on my behalf by legal entities of any and all natures and descriptions, since legal entities are incapable of moral sensibilities and function only for the benefit their shareholders and stakeholders, very often to the detriment of my community and the beautiful, bountiful Earth, and,
31. The Courts of England & Wales, HM Revenue & Customs, the METROPOLITAN POLICE FORCES and their POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS are now, whether knowingly or unknowingly, engaged in the business of generating revenues for the benefit of the National Government’s creditors, and,
32. The Courts of England & Wales, the METROPOLITAN POLICE FORCES and their POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS are now, whether knowingly or unknowingly, consistently failing to uphold the rights to life, freedom, equity and the peaceful possession of property of the people of Great Britain, and,
33. If POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS are not providing a service for an injured party who has given sworn or affirmed testimony against another for infringing their rights to life, freedom, equity and/or the peaceful possession of property, there is no legal recourse to stop, detain, question or search any Man or Woman who is not in breach of the peace, and,
34. POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS who attempt to levy and/or enforce arbitrary fines and forfeitures, or any other statutory provisions, upon a flesh and blood Man or Woman who has lawfully revoked their consent to be governed, are, in fact, breaching the peace and automatically liable for the service and payment of the Fee Schedule prescribed herein, and,
35. Historically, the purpose of a national armed force was to ensure that foreign powers never invaded and governed under a force of arms, and,
36. The existence of armed militia patrolling and policing the streets is evidence of wars fought unsuccessfully and/or tyrannical government, and,
37. The law must provide remedy at all times and without exception, even against rogue or negligent JUDGES and POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, as well as de facto government participants who are controlled by soulless corporate interests, and,
38. Any action for which Men and Women can apply for and receive a license must itself be a fundamentally lawful action, and,
39. I am a fully grown, adult, flesh and blood Man, of sound mind, peaceful intent and loving heart; therefore, I do not recognise any perceived obligation to ask permission to engage in lawful and peaceful activities, under any circumstances whatsoever, and,
40. Legal entities exist in an entirely fictitious realm, and as such, they do not have the capacity to exert any control and/or authority over Men and Women who operate with regard to that knowledge, and,
41. Men and Women are born with the unalienable rights of full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation to and from any port or place on the Earth, and,
42. Clause 39, “No freeman shall be arrested or imprisoned or disseised or outlawed or exiled or in any way victimised, neither will we attack him or send anyone to attack him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land”, and clause 40, “To no-one will we refuse or delay right or justice”, of the original Magna Carta of 1215 are still in full force and effect, and that the expression “law of the land” means Common Law, as defined in the foregoing, and,
43. Living freely in peace is within my community’s standards and does not create any harm, loss, injury, damage or liability, or comprise a breach of the peace in any way whatsoever, and,
44. The act of registering the birth of a baby forms an Implied Trust and Capitalised Trade Name (also known as a Legal Person), which then exist in association with that baby’s given and family names, and,
45. The formation and nature of these legal entities are not usually disclosed to a baby’s parents when they apply to the CROWN for a certificate of live birth for their child, nor is the pledging of said baby’s sweat equity to the creditors of the National Government, or the granting of a Life Annuity that is solely dependent upon the life that baby (the Beneficiary), and,
46. Life Annuities, more commonly known as government securities, are granted by the National Debt Commissioners (the Trustees) to any person they deem fit and deposited in the Issue Department of the Bank of England, as security for the Bank’s circulation of its fiat currency and surety for the National Government’s debts, and,
47. Once deemed abandoned funds, the beneficial interest from every unclaimed Life Annuity is pooled in the Consolidated Fund by the National Debt Commissioners, in order to reduce the ever-increasing debts of the insolvent National Government and Parliament, and,
48. Since the abolition of sterling’s gold standard in 1931, there has been no money of substance in existence and the primary form of currency accepted by the people of Great Britain has been and still is the tender of An Unconditional Promise to Pay, more commonly known as a Promissory Note, the payment of which is not contingent upon either the Maker or the Endorser having sufficient funds in a bank account, and
49. I have no legal or lawful obligation to obey the orders of any Man, Woman, individual, organisation or legal entity claiming to be acting on behalf of the Queen or King or Pope, including (without limitation) the executives, agents, officers, partners and affiliates of THE CROWN, THE CITY OF LONDON, THE VATICAN, THE UNITED NATIONS, THE EUROPEAN UNION and HER MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN & NORTHERN IRELAND, since I do not grant consent to any authority that they might claim to have over my person or my body, and,
50. Permanent, irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence, barring any POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, court and/or prosecutor from bringing charges against this flesh and blood Man and blessed living soul, under any act, bill, statute, by-law, ordinance, regulation, directive, order or code is automatically created, if this SOVEREIGN DECLARATION and the succeeding CLAIM OF RIGHT are not rebutted by lawful counterclaim, point for point, within ten (10) days of service, as certified by Post Office Special Delivery ********************.

Wherefore, be it now known to any and all interested, concerned or affected parties, that I do hereby revoke my consent to be governed and honourably declare that I have reclaimed my unalienable rights as a Sovereign Being, nun-pro-tunc.

Furthermore, it is my honourable intention to live peacefully and lawfully, free from any and all statutory obligations, restrictions and restraints, and to travel freely without charges, delays or disruptions, whether traveling domestically or crossing international borders in my private sovereign capacity, maintaining the rights to create, build, cultivate, harvest, store, trade, exchange and serenely subsist without governance anywhere on Earth, and I hereby state clearly my intention to do so without limitations or regulations arbitrarily imposed by individuals, organisations and/or legal entities of any and all natures and descriptions.


1. I claim the right to deny my consent to interact or co-operate with de facto government executives, agents, officers, bailiffs and/or grossly negligent JUDGES and/or POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS.
2. I claim the right to peacefully possess, use and enjoy any and all property in my care, including (without limitation) land, water and airspace, without having to pay for the use or enjoyment of it.
3. I claim the right to view my community as Mankind and that my course of action is not outside said community’s standards.
4. I claim the right not to be compelled to perform under any statute, contract or agreement that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally, and I do not accept the liability of any compelled benefits, responsibilities and/or obligations of any bill, code, direction, regulation, convention, statute, contract, trust and/or commercial agreement.
5. I claim that property of any and all natures and descriptions peacefully held in my possession is permanently held in private trust for the benefit of my offspring, and as such, it is exempt from taxation and statutory regulation.
6. I claim the right to use all necessary means to protect my family and its interests, in the event of any and all circumstances.
7. I claim the right to use all necessary means to protect my physical body and those of my family, in the event of any and all circumstances.
8. I claim the right to refuse to supply an intimate or non-intimate sample of my DNA for any purpose whatsoever.
9. I claim the right to refuse to supply samples of my blood, semen and/or urine, in the event of any and all circumstances.
10. I claim the right to refuse to be medicated, whether by any Man, Woman, individual, government, corporation or legal entity, under any circumstances whatsoever.
11. I claim the right to cultivate, harvest, store, trade, barter and/or use for my own purposes, any and all organic substances which will grow naturally upon the Earth.
12. I claim the right to refuse to be bound by the judgments, orders, warrants, directives and/or rulings of the de facto courts of THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN & NORTHERN IRELAND, THE EUROPEAN UNION and/or THE UNITED NATIONS, under any circumstances whatsoever.
13. I claim the right to charge a FEE SCHEDULE for any transgressions by POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, de facto government principals, executives, officers, agents or justice system participants, of THIRTY THOUSAND UNITS OF ANY FUNCTIONAL CURRENCY of my choosing, per hour or portion thereof, if I or any member of my family is questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harassed or otherwise regulated, THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITS OF ANY FUNCTIONAL CURRENCY of my choosing, per hour or portion thereof, if I or any member of my family is handcuffed, transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process, and THREE BILLION UNITS OF ANY FUNCTIONAL CURRENCY of my choosing, for any grievous or actual physical harm to my body or that of any member of my family.
14. I claim the right to use any and all lawful administrative and/or judicial processes I deem to be necessary in order to secure payment of the aforementioned FEE SCHEDULE, against any and all transgressors, who, by their actions or omissions, harm me, my dependents or my family’s interests, directly or by proxy, in any way whatsoever.
15. I claim the right to Diplomatic Immunity, including (without limitation) the right to a Diplomatic Passport and/or to create my own.
16. I claim the right to amend this Claim of Right by notice, as and when necessary, and at my sole discretion.
17. I claim the right of superior guardianship over my offspring, whether singularly or jointly with their biological mother, without limitation and strictly precluding government and/or corporate intervention of any kind, under any circumstances whatsoever.
18. I claim the right to hold exclusive Power of Attorney over the physical bodies and legal estates of my offspring, whether singularly or jointly with their biological mother, without limitation and until the eighteenth anniversary of their physical birth.
19. I claim the right to educate my children at home or in any way their biological mother and I deem to be beneficial for their intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual development, without limitation, supervision, intervention, inspection or interference of any and all natures and descriptions.
20. I claim the rights of legal and equitable titles to my legal person and trade name (& all derivatives thereof) and copyright of the artwork expressed in writing or in print as, ‘Michael of Bernicia’.
21. I claim the rights of full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation, to and from any port or place on Earth, including (without limitation) the rights to cross international borders and to return to the land of my physical birth at my sole discretion and without interference of any and all natures and descriptions.
22. I claim the right to statutory immunity.
23. I claim the right to self-determination and self-governance, without limitation, supervision, intervention or interference of any and all natures and descriptions.

As the Supreme Being is my witness, I hereby affirm that, to the very best of my knowledge, the entirety of the foregoing is true, correct and not misleading, on the 26th day of the month of March, in the year known as two thousand and 2009 CE.

Autographed by Michael of Bernicia
All Rights Reserved – Errors & Omissions Excepted

Executed in the presence of a Notary Public.

So what did serving this document actually achieve?

Exactly what I intended it to: the unchallenged revocation of my consent to be governed under the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.

Upon reflection over the months and years which have passed without challenge or counter-claim, I have come to understand that what I originally hoped would be all-in-one administrative remedy, was ultimately a declaration to the woman who represented the interests of the monarchy, that I would be proceeding to live freely in peace and in accordance with natural law. Rather than acquiescing to the statutory dictates of tyrannical corporatist government.

However, in the event that as of COVID-1984, I had not revoked my consent to be government by tyrannical diktats and I wanted to achieve the same end, I would send such a document to BoJo’s de facto government, on the basis that QEII was deposed by way of section 38 of the EU Withdrawal (Agreement) Act 2020.

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