PUB’s Three Notice Process To Stop Schools Vaxxing Children [Updated]
Here lies PUB’s three notice process to deal with the clear and present threat that UK schools will be offering the experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ to 12-17 year olds, despite the JCVI’s recent u-turn on its 15/07/2021 assessment that the risk outweighed the benefits of vaxxing anybody under 18.
Notice of Conditional Acceptance
The Notice of Conditional Acceptance should be sent to the governors of any school which has indicated that they have plans to facilitate the ‘vaccination’ of your child, conditionally agreeing to grant your consent in the event they can provide you with the material evidence you ask for.
Moreover, every parent should engage in this process acting as a Trustee of the People’s Union of Britain [PUB], in order to establish their legal protection, under the provisions of the Treaty of Universal Community Trust.
Each missive must also be sent by recorded mail or special delivery and all mailing receipts must be retained, so that it can proven that every notice was duly served upon the intended recipients.
In relation to UK Government COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Policy, under the protection of the People’s Union of Britain, you are hereby served notice that I conditionally accept that you are lawfully entitled to ‘vaccinate’ my child, [add name of child], whilst in the care of the headteacher at the school, whether on school premises or elsewhere, provided you deliver to me the following:
1) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ are incapable of harming my child.
2) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ have undergone rigorous double-blind placebo safety studies.
3) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that my child will not die, suffer or develop any adverse reactions including, but not limited to, neurological problems, blood clots, blindness, nerve damage, deafness, autoimmune disease, anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid reactions, allergies, fertility complications, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, etc and/or suffer any other form of harm, complication, or die as a result of or because of being injected with any COVID-19 vaccine.
4) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ approved for emergency use by the MHRA provide immunity from either SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19.
5) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the school has sought legal advice on whether it is lawful to administer emergency use ‘vaccines’ to children on the school premises and that you have performed an appropriate risk assessment.
6) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have employed the Precautionary Principle when deciding whether or not to ‘vaccinate’ children at the school.
7) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have informed your public indemnity insurers if there is any possibility that serious or fatal ‘vaccine’ adverse events might ensue upon ‘vaccination’ of my child, in which case you would be liable for gross negligence and perhaps even manslaughter.Please deliver to me these reasonably requested items within seven days of your receipt of this notice, given the seriousness of the matters raised and the apparent imminence of the school adhering to the UK Government policy of rolling out the COVID ‘vaccines’ for children.
I look forward to hearing from you without delay in signed writing.
In sincerity and honour, without ill will, frivolity or vexation,
Trustee of People’s Union of Britain
All Rights Reserved under the Treaty of Universal Community Trust
Errors & Omissions Excepted
Notice of Opportunity To Cure
Given that the evidence you will be asking for does not exist, in the extremely likely event you don’t receive what you asked for within seven days, the Notice of Opportunity To Cure should be sent, reiterating the terms of the first notice, giving the school governors another three days to respond appropriately.
However, the only acceptable responses would be either providing you with the material evidence requested, or an agreement to cease and desist in their ‘vaccination’ plans.
Following your failure to respond to my notice dated 28/05/2021, in relation to UK Government COVID-19 Vaccine Policy, under the protection of the People’s Union of Britain, you are hereby served notice that you have a further three days to deliver to me the following:
1) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ are incapable of harming my child.
2) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ have undergone rigorous double-blind placebo safety studies.
3) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that my child will not die, suffer or develop any adverse reactions including, but not limited to, neurological problems, blood clots, blindness, nerve damage, deafness, autoimmune disease, anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid reactions, allergies, fertility complications, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, etc and/or suffer any other form of harm, complication, or die as a result of or because of being injected with any COVID-19 vaccine.
4) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ approved for emergency use by the MHRA provide immunity from either SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19.
5) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the school has sought legal advice on whether it is lawful to administer emergency use ‘vaccines’ to children on the school premises and that you have performed an appropriate risk assessment.
6) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have employed the Precautionary Principle when deciding whether or not to ‘vaccinate’ children at the school.
7) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have informed your public indemnity insurers if there is any possibility that serious or fatal ‘vaccine’ adverse events might ensue upon ‘vaccination’ of my child, in which case you would be liable for gross negligence and perhaps even manslaughter.Please deliver to me these reasonably requested items within three days of your receipt of this notice, otherwise I will hold you all personally liable for any adverse events which arise from the school adhering to the UK Government policy of rolling out the COVID ‘vaccines’ for children.
I look forward to hearing from you without delay in signed writing.
In sincerity and honour, without ill will, frivolity or vexation,
Trustee of People’s Union of Britain
All Rights Reserved under the Treaty of Universal Community Trust
Errors & Omissions Excepted
Notice of Default
If the governors propose that you should enter reasonable discussions before they take a position on the issues you have raised, this process should be suspended pending the outcome of further communications. The same would apply in the event this happens at an earlier stage.
However, if you don’t receive what you have reasonably requested and the school governors refuse to cease and desist in their plans to ‘vaccinate’ your child, the Notice of Default should be sent, notifying them of the potential civil and criminal liabilities they have incurred.
Following your failure to respond to my notices dated 28/05/2021 and 01.06.2021, in relation to UK Government COVID-19 Vaccine Policy; under the protection of the People’s Union of Britain, you are hereby served Notice of Default.
Please be advised that your silence on this very serious matter has given rise, by tacit procuration, to your agreement that:
1) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ are incapable of harming children.
2) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ have undergone rigorous double-blind placebo safety studies.
3) There is no independent material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that my child will not die, suffer or develop any adverse reactions including, but not limited to, neurological problems, blood clots, blindness, nerve damage, deafness, autoimmune disease, anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid reactions, allergies, fertility complications, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, etc and/or suffer any other form of harm, complication, or die as a result of or because of being injected with any COVID-19 vaccine.
4) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ approved for emergency use by the MHRA provide immunity from either SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19.
5) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the school has sought legal advice on whether it is lawful to administer emergency use ‘vaccines’ to children on the school premises and that you have performed an appropriate risk assessment.
6) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have employed the Precautionary Principle when deciding whether or not to ‘vaccinate’ children at the school.
7) There is no material evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have informed your public indemnity insurers that there is any possibility that serious or fatal ‘vaccine’ adverse events might ensue upon ‘vaccination’ of my child, in which case you would be liable for gross negligence and perhaps even manslaughter.The People’s Union of Britain will issue any and all necessary legal proceedings to hold you to account for your complicity in what would be a crime ancillary to genocide against children, in the event you do not immediately abandon the plan to roll out the COVID ‘vaccine’ at [add name of school].
I will also be holding you jointly and severally liable for any and all civil damages claims, in the event my child is ‘vaccinated’ without full and informed consent, which is simply impossible to give, whether under Gillick Competence or otherwise, in the absence of certainty as to the inherent risks.
In sincerity and honour, without ill will, frivolity or vexation,
Trustee of People’s Union of Britain
All Rights Reserved under the Treaty of Universal Community Trust
Errors & Omissions Excepted
Next Steps
Unless the school governors abandon their plans to ‘vaccinate’ your child with an experimental, DNA-altering toxic-soup, PUB will hold them criminally liable for acts ancillary to genocide against children, in multiple breaches of well-established international law and conventions.
Furthermore, using a Common Law Lien process I have developed over the course of the past thirteen years, the injured parties will be able to obtain damages secured against the personal legal estates of the school governors, for the injuries caused by their gross civil wrongdoings.
Needless to say, the templates for that non-judicial process of obtaining damages payouts will be posted on this blog in due course, along with a webinar which will cover any question and queries people are likely to have.
However, it is anticipated that many of the school governors who are served the preceding three notice process will either suspend or terminate any and all plans to ‘vaccinate’ children in their care, rather than risk both bankruptcy and prison by ignoring or dismissing the serious issues raised.
To download the templates, complete with instructions, the PUB letterhead and the UCT Seal, click on the PDF at the link below.
Conditional Acceptance Process – Stop COVID-19 Vaxxing in Schools
Initial Progress Report
Thus far, in excess of 10,000 people have downloaded the process, of whom an estimated two thousand have sent at least the first notice to the governors of the school of the child concerned.
In every instance which has been reported back to me, the school has either agreed that no child would be vaxxed without full and informed parental consent, or that the school was awaiting further instruction [most likely from the governors] as to what that their policy will be.
Moreover, the early data indicates that only around 30% of children’s parents have consented for them to be ‘vaccinated’ at school, which plainly contradicts the oft-repeated government claim that around 85% of the UK population has had the jab.
Were that the case, an estimated 70% of parents would not have refused to grant their consent.
Success Story #1
Having engaged the foregoing process to stop his son being ‘vaccinated’ whilst at school, following the child’s mother initially granting consent, indomitable Scouser, Michael Green, decided that he would deliver a copy of the first notice to his ex.
Shortly after she read it, she called Michael to tell him that the notice was enough to change her mind and she had decided to notify their son’s school to withdraw her consent for him to be vaxxed last week.
I am extremely happy to say that, after just one notice, the school governors agreed that the child would not be ‘vaccinated’ without full and informed consent from both parents.
Success Story #2
During the same period, Michael also sent the first notice to his nephew’s school, after his foster parents granted their consent for him to be vaxxed last week.
However, this was a much more problematic situation, on the basis that both state appointed legal guardians had already consented, which was technically all the law required for that to transpire.
Nevertheless, the powerful effect of the first notice was such that the school governors were not prepared to take the risk that they would be held accountable for any vaxx injuries suffered by Michael’s nephew.
Therefore, their only recourse was to overrule the consent granted by his foster parents, which resulted in the boy being granted exemption from being jib-jabbed, with chemicals which might well sterilize a large proportion of the the 30% of British children who have been injected during the past couple of weeks.
Does What It Says On The Tin
In other words, it has now been firmly established that the process I have devised metaphorically does exactly what it says on the tin, as opposed to the toothless alternatives which place no legal obligation upon the recipients and therefore have no realistic possibility of success.
That’s why those other processes are attracting mainstream media attention, whilst if it weren’t for treacherous machinations of controlled opposition, who are continuing to do all they can to subvert the wide distribution of my process, so many more parents would have been able to stop their child being vaxxed at school.
Which will be an indelible stain on their conscience, when the full extent of the adverse events of the current vaxxtermination programme are known.