PUB Seeks Urgent Declaration From Attorney General To End Mortgage Fraud
Following the Notice of Conditional Acceptance, which PUB served upon the regulatory officers who have failed to regulate the UK mortgage industry, resulting in trillions of pounds being stolen under the terms of fraudulently registered mortgages, the Attorney General, Suella Braverman, who by all accounts has aspirations to replace Bojo as Prime Minister in the Autumn, was served with a notice requiring her immediate action to end more than three decades of institutionalised fraud on these shores.
FAO: The Rt Hon Suella Braverman QC MP
Attorney General’s Office, 20 Victoria Street, London, England | 05 July 2022URGENT DECLARATION SOUGHT
Dear Attorney General,
This is an urgent request for your good self, for and on behalf of the 1,803 injured parties represented by the undersigned, to issue the following legally binding declaration before Parliament, under your inherent constitutional obligatory powers to uphold the Rule of Law, in the prohibition, abatement and prevention of criminal and civil offences of all natures and descriptions, in accordance with the Common Law of the United Kingdom, pertaining to decades of well documented serious and institutionalised financial crimes alleged against the directors of every UK registered mortgage provider since September 1989, to the enormous detriment of the British people, the justice system and the public purse, in the complete absence of any meaningful remedial actions being taken by any of the UK regulatory authorities or the judiciary over that entire period. Hence the necessity to request your decisive and immediate intervention.
Therefore, relying upon the prima facie evidence we have amassed, we seek that this declaration be issued without delay, following the abject failure of the parties, against whom these crimes [and a myriad of civil offences] are alleged by the Trustees of the People’s Union of Britain and its associates, to deliver material evidence that shows they have not conspired to commit crimes which fall under the Serious Crimes Act 2015, for their own private gain.
Moreover, we ask that this declaration be made by the Attorney General because we have already presented to the UK Regulators more than a decade’s worth of prima facie evidence of civil and criminal fraud against every UK bank, yet the FCA [and its predecessor, the FSA], Action Fraud, the SFO, the NCA and the stakeholders of the City of London have long since protected those responsible from the consequences of the myriad of wrongdoings we can prove the board of every commercial bank has knowingly committed as a matter of company policy since September 1989.
Furthermore, we respectfully ask that you treat this request as an urgent one and agree to expedite the outcome we seek by making the enclosed declaration in your constitutional capacity as Attorney General, which should be presented to Parliament as an urgent amendment to the LPMPA 1989, on the ground that thousands of mortgagors and their families continue to be evicted by void court orders each year, every one of which [that we have had sight of] has been predicated on the illegal registration of a false official document by every conveyancing solicitor instructed, in accordance with long established company policy of every mortgage provider in the UK.
We have also enclosed the Notice of Conditional Acceptance [with an Explanatory Note] we have served on the regulatory officers we allege to be culpable for failing to regulate the entire UK mortgage industry for their own material gain, thereby committing serious crimes which fall under the provisions of the Serious Crimes Act 2015; along with the Notice of Demand which we will soon serve upon the board of every UK mortgage provider named in our evidence bundles.
Without malice of mischief, in sincerity and honour,
David Laity
Ambassador for the UCT Alliance | Trustee of The People’s Union of BritainMichael O’Bernicia
Ambassador for the UCT Alliance | Trustee of The People’s Union of BritainProfessor Nigel Harper
Chartered Banker | Chairman Ethical Banking Standards CouncilSebastian Leslie
Upon the substantive bundles of prima evidence presented to the FSA, FCA, Action Fraud, the SFO, the NCA and former government officers by the Trustees and Associates of the People’s Union of Britain [the Prosecution in the soon to be issued R [PUB] v Lloyds et al], which show that it is the company policy of every UK mortgage provider named as a defendant to breach the statutory obligations placed upon them by the provisions of sections 1 and 2 of the LPMPA 1989, rendering the mortgages concerned illegal and void on the ground of registration fraud, it is hereby declared that, in the absence of legally valid contracts and charge deeds for any registered UK mortgage:
1. The Chief Land Registrar [CLR] must correct any and all mistakes in the Charges Register by cancelling every mortgage deed registered which does not comply with the provisions of both sections 1 and 2 of the LPMPA 1989, thereby entitling every illegal mortgagor who makes a successful application to alter the Charges Register on an AP1 form to be fully indemnified by the CLR under statute, for all the losses incurred as a direct result of a mistake in the Register.
2. It is further declared that all mortgage possession claims and ordered evictions are suspended indefinitely, giving on foot claimants 28 days to produce valid mortgage documents, in the absence of which the claims will be struck out.
3. It is further declared that there shall now be a moratorium on the issue, hearing and enforcement of registered mortgage possession proceedings, until this declaration is lawfully discharged.
4. This declaration has the implicit effect of discharging the formerly perceived legal obligations of every registered mortgagor affected to pay the monies charged by the mortgagee, in the absence of legally valid mortgage documents, just as Parliament intended when the 1989 Act was enacted on the advice of the Law Commission.
Purposes of Declaration
The purposes of seeking this declaration from the Attorney General are threefold:
- To prevent the registration of mortgages that do not comply with the provisions of sections 1 and 2 of the LPMPA 1989.
- To prevent the enforcement of fraudulently registered mortgages by void and illegal court orders.
- To end the criminal practice of forging the date of execution on every mortgage deed.
In the event the AG refuses or fails to perform her constitutional obligation to uphold the Rule of Law, having been presented with the substantive evidence that shows beyond doubt that the 1989 Act has never been applied as Parliament intended when it was enacted on the recommendations of the Law Commission, she will become liable for conspiracy to commit offences under the Serious Crimes Act 2015, along with the senior officers of every UK regulatory body, which would render her bid to become PM an act of gross futility, given that eventuality is an impossible ambition for anybody charged with conspiracy to commit serious crimes.
Whereas, if she makes the declaration and the LPMPA 1989 is accordingly amended to prevent the continuation of institutionalised mortgage registration fraud, an estimated eleven million void mortgagors would be able to apply the the Land Registry to have their fraudulently registered mortgages cancelled and they would have to be indemnified by the Chief Land Registrar for all the losses incurred because of the mistakes in the Charges Register.
Moreover, contrary to what the banksters and their minions want you to believe, rather than causing a financial meltdown in this country, the cancellation of eleven million registered mortgages would result in an economic boom in the real economy, where the monies saved on servicing fraudulent charges and the substantial compensation received will be spent.
Needless to say, we will not rest until we have achieved all those objectives and every white collar criminal who has conspired to commit these serious and institutionalised crimes has been prosecuted with the full force of the Common Law, for the myriad of losses they have caused the British public.