Welcome to the Chronicles of the Life & Times of The Bernician
Under his former professional name, The Bernician performed more than 300 gigs on the stand-up comedy circuit; wrote and staged two critically acclaimed London plays; taught stand-up to a giggle of fledgling comics who went on to professional careers; co-produced and co-directed a critically acclaimed 35mm short film; and played supporting roles in mainstream and independent film and television productions; in addition to co-producing and marketing a #1 hit Danish action comedy and directing his debut feature film, Nefarious, which is slated for its long-awaited release in Autumn 2024.
As M O'B, he went on to draft the first legal argument by a lay advocate to be established as a point of UK law; as well as creating and publishing free online content that has had more than 7 million downloads; whilst co-producing and directing his second feature film, The Great British Mortgage Swindle, which was released in 2018. He is also a recalcitrant philosopher; a revisionist historian; the founding sovereign of Universal Community Trust; the draftsman of the UCT Treaty and Magna Carta 2020.
Featured Video
Crimes of COVID-1984 Podcast | The Case Against Hancock et al
The Case Against Hancock et al
Here lies The Case Against Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson [recorded ‘live’], featuring a summary of the material evidence that was dismissed as ‘hearsay’ three times by Westminster Magistrates’ Court, which will now be presented in the Court of Public Record, whilst another application for warrants to arrest the usual suspects is being prepared concurrently.
As is a charge list for the impeachment of Sunak, which a member of the House of Commons [who shall remain nameless for the time being] has emphatically agreed to present to fellow members of Parliament at the earliest opportunity.
Featured Article on Banking Crimes
Refusing to take lies for truth
Lien On Banksters | A Potential Remedy For 11 Million Void Mortgagors
In the absence of any realistic possibility of obtaining justice against the banksters in an increasingly tyrannous system, which we have already seen time and time again is rigged to protect them from the consequences of their myriad of crimes, we have been forced to identify, develop and implement a Common Law remedy for the TGBMS Claimants, which this article will endeavour to summarise and explain.
It is a remedy which not only requires no legal enforcement, it is also outside the jurisdiction of the courts and has the potential to indemnify every void mortgagor in the country for the losses they have incurred [or might incur] because of a fraudulently registered mortgage.
Featured Historical Article
The Trojan History of The Common Law
From Brutus to Magna Carta 2020 | The British Common Law Timeline
1103 BC – According to the Historical Triads, Morgan and Waddell, Britain was founded by Brutus and the Trojans, as a free and sovereign nation, in which all men and women were considered equal to the king.
This ancient assertion was corroborated by Lord Chief Justice Coke, in Preface to Vol. iii. of Reports, when he affirmed that the Original Laws of this land were composed of such elements as Brutus first selected from the Ancient Greek and Trojan Institutions.
Featured Podcast
Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends | Ep 74: Michael O'Bernicia
Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends | Ep 74: Michael O'Bernicia
Today’s podcast features someone who is not a usual interview guest. After having an in-depth conversation with him about his current work, I realized that our guest, Michael O’Bernicia, has an amazing story to tell about his encounters with certain “powerful” people in politics and finance.
What I appreciated was that rather than focus on the usual tale of fraud and corruption, Michael came up with an innovative plan that could be a way out of the mess we are in. I can assure you that you will be fascinated and inspired by this unusual and amazing story.
Featured Article in Critical thinking
The Defendants & Their Gates Connections | Matt Hancock
The Defendants & Their Gates Connections | Matt Hancock
Here lies the first in a series of posts exposing the multitude of frauds, of which Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and Neil Ferguson stand accused in PUB’s Private Criminal Prosecution, beginning with the connections between the former secretary of state for the Department of Health & Social Care and Bill Gates.
In the following passages, Hancock is referred to as the 1st defendant, whilst Whitty is the 2nd, Vallance is the 3rd and Ferguson is the 4th defendant.
Featured Article from The Bernician Chronicles
All The World or Nothing
An Introduction To The Bernician Chronicles
This is an introduction to The Bernician Chronicles, the eclectic journal of my life and times as a comedian, playwright and a filmmaker, a blacklisted ‘potential subversive’ and a notoriously unrelenting recalcitrant.
It is a story that spans fifty years, which is told partly in prose and partly in extracts from my diary, which I have kept since I was a twenty two year old London comic with serious writing ambitions and a predilection for politically incorrect subject matter.
The dual purpose of these chronicles is to document the extraordinary events which have dominated my life; and to set aside persistent suspicions, doubts and lies about the life I lived before I changed my last name from Knighton to O’Bernicia, more than a decade ago.
Miscellanous Posts
Manic Depression, High Times and Roadkill: Chapter Twelve of The Bernician Chronicles
Manic Depression, High Times and Roadkill Despite the giddy highs I felt after graduating from the Dov Simens 2 Day Film School in November 1997, by the turn of the year I had sunk into […]
Totally Without Merit – The Defendants’ Arguments
Totally Without Merit – The Defendants’ Arguments Here lie the arguments that will almost certainly be thrown at us in the class actions by the defendants, as written by a man who I mistook as […]
So You Want To Join The Class Actions To End UK Mortgage Fraud?
So You Want To Join The Class Actions To End UK Mortgage Fraud? So you want to join the class actions to end mortgage fraud and claim compensation for your losses from the Land Registry? […]
TGBMS Day – UK Mortgage Industry Served Notice of Class Actions
TGBMS Day – UK Mortgage Industry Served Notice of Class Actions Heartfelt thanks to everybody who contributed to making the 6th of August 2019 the historic occasion it turned out to be, when we served […]
The Fraudulent State of UK Banking – M O’B Interviews Anthony Stansfeld
The Fraudulent State of UK Banking – M O’B Interviews Anthony Stansfeld Two days after presenting the plans to bring an end to institutionalized mortgage fraud at the Bankster Busters Conference, I met Anthony Stansfeld […]
Bankster-Busters Conference, Anthony Stansfeld and TGBMS Day
Bankster-Busters Conference, Anthony Stansfeld and TGBMS Day Bankster-Busters Conference Thank you to everybody who attended the conference on Sunday. It was both an extraordinary and an auspicious occasion, which has galvanized our grass-roots movement into […]
Wake-The-Feck-Up Podcast #12: The Great British Brexit Swindle
Wake-The-Feck-Up Podcast #12: The Great British Brexit Swindle In Wake-The-Feck-Up Podcast #12, The Great British Brexit Swindle, The Bernician lays out the hoodwinking of both sides of the Brexit referendum, in the light of the […]
The Cheddar Man of Britain: Fact, Fantasy or Fiction
“Cheddar Man is a human male fossil found in Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, England. The skeletal remains date to the Mesolithic (ca. 9100 BP), and it appears that he died a violent death. A large crater-like lesion just above the skull’s right orbit suggests that […]
Wake-The-Feck-Up Podcast #11: Corbyn’s Vision of a Communist Britain
Wake-The-Feck-Up Podcast #11: Corbyn’s Vision of a Communist Britain A WAKE-THE-FECK-UP Podcast by The Bernician about the stark and striking similarities between Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party Manifesto and Karl Marx’s 10 Planks of Communism, as […]
Replace Your Will With A Private Living Trust
The following template for a Private Living Trust declaration can be used by you and your spouse to replace your Last Will and Testaments, in order to lawfully avoid Inheritance Tax on your legal estates, […]
WAKE-THE-FECK-UP Podcast #010: Will Britain Take EU Law Up The Acquis
WAKE-THE-FECK-UP Podcast #010: Will Britain Take EU Law Up The Acquis This is WAKE-THE-FECK-UP Podcast #010: Will Britain Take EU Law Up The Acquis, in which Michael O’Bernicia identifies the way in which Brexit is […]
Mortgage Fraud 101: Case Law on Forced Entry by Bailiff and Police
Mortgage Fraud 101: Case Law on Forced Entry by Bailiff and Police Here are some essential pieces of case law, which should be used to deal with a bailiff and police, who claim they have […]