NOCA Demanding Evidence That Bird Flu Has Been Proven To Exist
In the event you are a farmer or homesteader in Britain who keeps any kind of free range poultry and you have been notified by your local office of DEFRA that you must now keep all those birds locked up in barns because of “Bird Flu”, this process can be used to establish whether there is any material evidence validating such a mercilessly devastating course of action, in the absence of which these cruel and callous policies cannot be legally enforced.
Dear Sir / Madam,
Re: “Bird Flu” Regulations
Due to Britain being declared a ‘bird flu prevention zone’ and because it has been deemed illegal to keep poultry outside in the UK, I hereby conditionally accept to keep all my poultry inside and under cover, upon receipt of the following reasonably requested items:
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, in the form of an electron micrograph, showing the purified, isolated and fully characterized alleged virus, H5N1.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, in the form of the name of the primary specialist peer reviewed paper, in which the alleged virus H5N1 is illustrated and its full genetic information described.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, in the form of the name of the primary publication which provides proof that the alleged virus H5N1 is the cause of avian flu.
To be clear, regarding the above three questions, I am asking for evidence of the purification of the alleged “bird flu virus”, “H5N1”, including any alleged “variants” taken directly from a sample of a diseased bird, where the bird sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (i.e. monkey kidney cells aka Vero cells; fetal bovine serum).
Please note that I am not requesting studies/reports where researchers failed to purify the suspected “virus” and instead cultured something else, and/or performed an amplification test (i.e. PCR), and/or fabricated a “genome” from millions of sequences (allegedly) detected in an impure substance, and/or produced electron microscopy images of impure things.
I am already aware that according to virus theory a “virus” requires host cells in order to replicate and I am therefore not requesting records which describe replication of a ‘virus’ without host cells. Nor am I requesting records that describe a strict fulfilment of Koch’s Postulates, or records which describe a suspected “virus” floating in a vacuum, or private patient information.
I simply request evidence of a primary specialist, writing in a primary publication, describing purification of H5N1 (separation of the alleged virus from everything else in the alleged diseased sample, as per standard laboratory practices for the purification of other very small things).
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, of a preceding thorough investigation into other possible environmental causes for disease and sickness in poultry and that all other possible causes have been ruled out.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, which proves that manufacturers of PCR have a gold standard Ct Value for detecting alleged viral RNA.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, in the form of a clinical study to validate use of Ct to guide management in PCR across all manufacturers.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, that PCR products have been validated at the molecular level.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, in the form of a positive and negative PCR control test to validate the specificity of H5N1.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, which shows your policies are not designed specifically to force farmers to cull enough birds, during the worst economic depression in a century, to bankrupt UK poultry farming, as part of the WEF agenda to impose a plant-based diet upon the people of Britain.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, which shows that H5N1 is a naturally occurring “virus”, as opposed to a “vaccine virus” created in a lab and injected into the birds prior to the commencement of mass culling.
- Material evidence, not mere hearsay or professional opinion, which shows you are not both criminally and civilly liable in the event you cannot provide the material evidence requested.
If evidence to prove your claims regarding the existence of alleged avian flu and the validity of testing for the alleged avian flu cannot be provided, you then must immediately stop all attempts at regulating the farming and food industry and terminate your restrictions.
Given the seriousness of the issues raised and the volume of poultry being so callously and senselessly culled adversely affecting the food supply, farming, businesses and people’s livelihoods, you have 7 days to respond appropriately.
Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour,
[Add Name]
Next Steps
When the recipient of the notice cannot provide you with the material evidence you have asked for within seven days, send a Notice of Opportunity To Cure, with the same text as above, save for the title, date and these simple amendments to the first and last lines:
First Line: Following your failure to respond to the Notice of Conditional Acceptance dated [add date], in relation to Britain being declared a ‘bird flu prevention zone’…
Last Line: …and terminate your restrictions, which will then be presumed to be legally unenforceable.
Once another seven days have passed and no material evidence has been delivered to you justifying the “Bird Flu” mandates, the following Notice of Default should be served.
Dear Sir / Madam,
Re: “Bird Flu” Regulations
Following your failure to respond appropriately to the notices dated [add date] and [add date], the following facts have been established:
- There is no material evidence, in the form of an electron micrograph, showing the purified, isolated and fully characterized alleged virus, H5N1.
- There is no material evidence, in the form of the name of the primary specialist peer reviewed paper, in which the alleged virus H5N1 is illustrated and its full genetic information described.
- There is no material evidence in the form of the name of the primary publication which provides proof that the alleged virus H5N1 is the cause of avian flu.
- There is no material evidence of a preceding thorough investigation into other possible environmental causes for disease and sickness in poultry and that all other possible causes have been ruled out.
- There is no material evidence which proves that manufacturers of PCR have a gold standard Ct Value for detecting alleged viral RNA.
- There is no material evidence in the form of a clinical study to validate use of Ct to guide management in PCR across all manufacturers.
- There is no material evidence that PCR products have been validated at the molecular level.
- There is no material evidence in the form of a positive and negative PCR control test to validate the specificity of H5N1.
- There is no material evidence which shows your policies are not designed specifically to force farmers to cull enough birds, during the worst economic depression in a century, to bankrupt UK poultry farming, as part of the WEF agenda to impose a plant-based diet upon the people of Britain.
- There is no material evidence which shows that H5N1 is a naturally occurring “virus”, as opposed to a “vaccine virus” created in a lab and injected into the birds prior to the commencement of mass culling.
- There is no material evidence which shows you are not both criminally and civilly liable in the event you cannot provide the material evidence requested.
Therefore, there is no legal obligation upon me to comply with your regulations and you will be held liable for any and all losses caused by your imposition of these lawfully unsustainable policies upon my poultry, without any material evidence to justify your actions.
Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour,
[Add Name]
No Material Evidence
In other words, just like SARS-COV-2, the dreaded bird lurgy pandemic is the figment of the twisted imagination of a computer-generated mathematical modeler, the predictions of whom are even less reliable than the empty promises of the politicians and civil servants who implement the policies based on their wildly inaccurate and unequivocally deadly calculations.
Moreover, this profound lack of material evidence justifying the immensely cruel lockdown and culling of millions of free range birds emphatically renders those responsible liable for any and all losses caused.
For the sake of the welfare of the birds and the food chain they are integral to, no farmer or homesteader can in good conscience impose such conditions upon the creatures they are responsible for the welfare of, when there is no no proof that “bird flu” even exists.
Lawful Excuse To Resist
That, in a nutshell, is the basis for a lawful excuse defence for anybody accused of refusing to comply with yet more unlawful, unscientific and unconscionable government regulations, which are in any event incapable of legal enforcement, yet they are already causing untold damage, not just to the national Christmas dinner table.
This is why I urge everybody to support our farmers in their battle to continue feeding the people of this country, when the government is actively trying to shut them down in order to take complete control of the food supply, as per the WEF agenda to outlaw all but plant-based, government rationed, genetically modified ‘food’, just as the Dutch government is facilitating in the Netherlands, using the fake nitrogen crisis as yet another entirely fabricated pretext for tyrannical diktats and national suicide.
Nevertheless, just like the Dutch farmers have come out in fierce resistance to the concerted attempt to destroy their livelihoods and the EU food supply, British farmers and homesteaders must resist the unlawful lockdown and culling of millions of birds which they won’t have sufficient resources to replace any time soon.
Grim Warning From Farmers Union
That’s one of the reasons which caused the National Farmers Union to warn the UK Government that urgent and drastic action is required, with not a moment to lose because it’s not just poultry farming that’s at risk of being decimated by government policy – it’s the entire British farming industry.
Therefore, if you have not done so already, now is the best time to start growing your own organic food, learning how to fish, hunt wild game, keep egg-laying chickens and make your own dairy products with fresh raw milk from your local farm.
There are also organic community garden and food cooperative projects all over the country which you could join, if you don’t have the space available to homestead.
However, not only does providing you and yours with the food you need to be healthy, without having to rely on the crumbling supply chain and deal with hyperinflation, significantly negate the risk that you will ever become dependent upon government rationed GMO ‘food’, just to survive; in so doing you also engage in perhaps the greatest possible act of resistance to a food shortage manufactured to provide the pretext to take control of everything we eat.