Murderous Attempt By Three Duplicitous Traitors To Steal PCP Evidence
Can anybody remember the name of that Irish DJ posing as a serious journalist, who crawled up PPE importer Simon Dolan’s arse, said I was full of shit and the PCP evidence we had amassed would go nowhere, shortly before disappearing into obscurity because his audience turned on him for being such a treacherous bastard?
No, me neither. The furthest I get is Bitchy Fallen.
Well, the same bullshit allegations are currently being bandied about by three duplicitous traitors who claimed to be working towards the same ends as UCT and the PCP team, one of whom recently survived an attempt to murder him with poison, shortly before an event in August, which they all attended.
Same Shit, Different Decade
However, whilst we don’t have any hard and fast evidence of malice aforethought [yet], each one of the three women concerned is now deeply implicated in a criminal conspiracy to steal the evidence we have amassed in the case against the Midazolam murderers, to derail my three notice processes to stop mandatory vaxxes in care homes and vaxxing in schools and to murder at least one of the three core PCP team members.
It naturally follows that these people are either working for the secret services, Common Purpose or the Rothschild cartel, in which case they are unequivocally not to be trusted and should be immediately blocked, unfollowed and unsubscribed to with immediate effect, in the event you have been supporting their work.
According to an establishment renegade who has reached out to us, it is agents of the Rothschild cartel who are at work, as there are purportedly powerful people within the establishment who want to help us bring down the cartel because they’ve been shafted by Lloyds and other protected banks.
Devlin Podcast & Exposing Controlled Opposition
Whilst the radically updated PCP case substantiating allegations of mass murder by government policy is still being drafted – which proves that anybody saying we don’t have a case is full of shit because it hasn’t even been written yet – we are aiming to file the papers by the end of next week.
Given the events described in the foregoing, it’s perfect timing that Mark Devlin and I will record another Good Vibrations Podcast later today, which will be published across all our channels soon afterwards.
Needless to say, Mark, as always, will ask all the right questions, in what promises to be another explosive interview about whatever feels most appropriate and prescient.
Nonetheless, in words nobody could fail to comprehend, from Save Our Rights to UK Freedom Project, Guardians 300, Stand In The Park and Lawyers of Light and Liberty, if it weren’t for controlled opposition, they wouldn’t exist, let alone dominate the newsfeeds and get on BBC television – the broadcasting arm of MI5.
Which is the reason why every one of the revolving procession of Common Purpose graduates and MI5 field agents in those groups either ignores my work or tries to co-opt, subvert or discredit it.
Cause & Effect
So I’m putting every one of them on notice that the consequences of their duplicitous breaches of trust have placed their liberty and solvency in the utmost peril.
From henceforth, they can’t say they haven’t been warned that their arrogance, myopia and foolishness have led them into a corner from which they can only emerge in ignominious, infamous and shameful defeat.
However, if I were in the shoes of ‘Sam’, ‘Michelle’ and ‘Clare’, I would do what all the wisest people who’ve fucked with me have done – run for the hills and never come back, otherwise the full extent of the lies they have told to their followers will be permanently exposed.
Lest They Forget
For a breakdown of the potentially heavy price of failing to cease and desist in their treachery, they just need to ask James Crosby, the former ‘untouchable’ CEO of Lloyds, who is still on the end of a stayed PCP alleging institutional mortgage fraud, eight years after the case was heard by a senior district judge at North Shields Magistrates Court.
That case is due to proceed to trial by jury at the end of COVID-1984, following a successful Common Law damages claim for £207M from Crosby’s legal estate in 2019.
Alternatively, they could just watch The Great British Mortgage Swindle, lest they forget why every CEO of every UK bank soils their undercrackers at the mere mention of my name in legal proceedings – I never stop fighting my adversaries until I am the only one left standing on the battlefield.
However, in the event the predictable and tedious spouting of gobshite on social media unfolds in the wake of this post, the traitors will only have themselves to blame when an army of my loyal friends and supporters descend upon them to vent their fire and brimstone, in defence of the only real opposition to the tyranny which still abounds on these shores.