Memorandum of Understanding | UCT & HM Government
On 03 March 2013 CE, six months had passed since the Secretary of State to the Foreign Office received a copy of the Treaty of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST, for and on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government, following its original ratification on 21 June 2012 CE. Twenty-eight independent nations have now fulfilled the accession criteria, with many others having expressed a willingness to do so.
Under the authority granted to me by the founding sovereign nations standing under UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST, the following presentment was dispatched to Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace by special delivery on 15 March 2013 CE, in acknowledgement of the acquiescence of Her Majesty’s Government to the terms, aims and objectives of the Treaty, as well as its implicit recognition of the independence, sovereignty and jurisdiction established by its ratification, under the well established principles of the Law of Nations.
Queen Elizabeth II
Buckingham Palace
London15 March 2013 CE
Pursuant to the Treaty of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST
Opened for ratification on 21 June 2012 CEDear Elizabeth,
With all due respect, I am writing to you under the full powers granted to me by the community of nations known as UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST [UCT].
Please find enclosed a Memorandum of Understanding, administered by UCT in the absence of an objection by Her Majesty’s Government, more than six calendar months after service of the Treaty of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST upon the Secretary of State to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office on 31/08/2012, a copy of which has been enclosed for your convenience.
The Secretary General of the United Nations will now be served formal notice of the independence, sovereignty and jurisdiction established by the ratification of the Treaty by the founding nations of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST.
In peace, with sincerity and honour,
Michael-John of Bernicia
Founding Sovereign
UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST________________________________________________________________________________
Memorandum of Understanding
Universal Community Trust & Her Majesty’s Government
This document may be used to inform any interested, concerned or affected parties that the nations of peoples standing under UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST are not bound by or signatory to any other treaties or conventions, but will nevertheless adhere to the principles set forth in the Treaty of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST [the Treaty], which are in accord with the general principles of the Law of Nations.
a. Pursuant to the terms of the Treaty, which were publicly declared, witnessed and ratified for and on behalf of the free indigenous sovereign peoples of the islands of Britain and North America on 21/06/2012, a copy of which was considered served upon Her Majesty’s Secretary of State to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office by special delivery to the Treaty Section on 31/08/2012.
b. Acknowledging the absence of any possibility of a legal objection by Her Majesty’s Government to the proclaimed rights of any indigenous peoples to independence, self-determination and self-governance, wherever their ancestral lands may be, in accordance with the generally established principles of inter-national law and convention, including [without limitation] the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969 and the Convention on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007, by which Her Majesty’s Government has agreed to be bound.
c. In consideration of the fact that it is well established under the principles laid down in Book II, Chapter 1, Article 6 of the Law of Nations, that all nations will assist each other in the perfection of other nations, whether in the event that any indigenous peoples declaring their right to independence, self-determination and self-governance or otherwise.Wherefore, the following points set forth the mutual understanding that has arisen by the tacit agreement of the parties:
1. Her Majesty’s Government implicitly recognises the validity of the Treaty, its aims and objectives.
2. Her Majesty’s Government implicitly recognises the sovereignty, independence and autonomy of the indigenous nations of peoples who stand under the jurisdiction of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST [UCT].
3. Her Majesty’s Government implicitly accepts that the peoples of the sovereign nations concerned have pledged their sacred honour and allegiance to UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST, by way of inter-national treaty and duly ratified compacts, thereby repudiating all former pledges of those peoples, whether expressed or implied, to any other nations.
4. Her Majesty’s Government acknowledges that the Natural Law jurisdiction established by the nations standing under UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST is now a clearly defined, separate and superior jurisdiction for the resolution of both civil and criminal matters.
5. Her Majesty’s Government accepts that it has an obligation under the established principles of the Law of Nations to co-operate with the community of nations under UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST, in order to facilitate the restoration of ancestral lands and natural resources to the peoples of those nations.
6. The parties agree that any and all civil disputes will be settled in a timely and peaceful manner (in accordance with the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Doctrine) by inter-national arbitral tribunals, in the absence of a private equitable settlement within six months of a dispute arising by notice. All criminal allegations [if any] will be heard by a Supreme Grand Jury under the jurisdiction of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST, unless otherwise agreed between the parties.
7. The parties concur that this memorandum constitutes a formal sealed proclamation of the participating nations’ ratification and/or accession to the terms of the Treaty, originally executed on 21 June 2012 CE by the founding sovereign nations of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST. Whilst this document is not legally enforceable, it may be used as evidence that the independence, sovereignty and jurisdiction of UCT has been implicitly recognised.Administered under the Great Seal of UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST, on the 15th day of the month of March, in the year known as 2013 CE.