Massive TGBMS News | Stay of Possession Order Granted on TGBMS Grounds

Massive TGBMS News | Stay of Possession Order Granted On TGBMS Grounds

Massive TGBMS News | Stay of Possession Order Granted on TGBMS Grounds

My friends, once again, I am the bearer of tremendous TGBMS news.

Yesterday, my great friends, the lion-hearted maverick, Anthony Carlin, and the incredibly knowledgeable and experienced, David Boyd, assisted a courageous Northern Irish mortgagor in preventing the enforcement of a Possession Order this week, with the assistance and support of an impressive band of bankster-busters

Not only did they manage to have the order stayed on the TGBMS Grounds, but they have been given six weeks to further substantiate their merit-worthy case.

Ground-Breaking Result

Given that this was the very first time the TGBMS Grounds have been argued in a Northern Irish court, where all previous allegations of mortgage fraud have been routinely dismissed, this is a truly ground-breaking result.

Whilst the case is still to be won, it is wonderfully encouraging that at least one judge in Northern Ireland is mirroring what has happened in English courts, since Bank of Scotland gave up its claim against my family last February.

In other words, the TGBMS Grounds are now being taken by judges as a serious set of legal arguments in two of the UK’s four jurisdictions. It’s therefore only a matter of time before we see the same thing happening in Scotland and Wales.

Massive credit is due to the courageous mortgagor, Anthony, David and the cracking team behind the scenes, who all contributed to the achievement of this remarkable turnaround.

I am delighted to say that I will interviewing Anthony on the subject this weekend.

Onward & Upward

With the first draft claim forms in the TGBMS Class Actions to end mortgage fraud due to be served next week, we are almost certain to see more of the same kind of extraordinary results coming thick and fast over the next few weeks.

If you would like to join your local class action, please visit and follow the simple instructions.

Related Links

Historic Judgment Which Changed Everything For UK Mortgagors

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Mortgage Fraud 101: Summary of The TGBMS Grounds

Join The Unlawful Eviction Prevention Force

So You Want To Join The Class Actions To End UK Mortgage Fraud


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