Imperial College | Predicted UK COVID-19 Deaths Reduced From 500,000 To 20,000

Imperial College | Predicted UK COVID-19 Deaths Reduced From 500,000 To 20,000

Please watch this video about the estimates of deaths in the UK by Neil Ferguson of Imperial College [upon which the unaccountable government has relied to justify the totalitarian lock down], which have now been reduced from 500,000 to less than 20,000!!!

Even more revealing is the fact that the new estimates include 10,000 people who will almost certainly die of other ailments and old age.

That means 10,000 people is the number the so-called ‘leading expert’ in his field at Imperial College now says is the maximum number who might perish from COVID-19.

That’s a correction of 490,000!!!

Even if it was an error of judgment of monumental proportions, the government has collapsed the economy in the process, which only benefits the banksters, who have cash-flowed the costs of doing so, thereby maximising the fake national debt.

However, if Parliament does not immediately announce that it is sitting to strike out the tyrannous Coronavirus Bill, we know that it was the intention all along to use it a pretext to wipe out as many old people as possible, to lessen the burden on the pension funds, establish an unaccountable government and to smash the economy to smithereens.

Either way, no public apology, no matter how contrite, will restore this Parliament’s legitimacy.

Tell everybody you know and share far and wide.

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