Four More Allegations of Midazolam Murder Added to PCP After Judge Commits Obstruction
In relation to the allegations against the Midazolam Murderers, as I initially disclosed to the wonderful audience who packed the opening night at Speakeasy Comedy Club last Saturday, where I performed stand-up for the first time since 2007, then on Twitter a couple of days ago, after sitting on the evidence bundle in PUB’s Private Criminal Prosecution for the better part of four months, the presiding judge sent us the following ‘decision’ last week:
“I have considered the application and I have now decided not to consider it…”
Now if that’s not a contradiction in terms, I’ve never seen one, but it actually gets even worse because her bone-shakingly unwise reason given for deciding not to consider the application was that three of the eight defendants listed on the first page of the application cannot be named – but that is because their NHS employers have thus far failed to comply with the demands of the witnesses in our case to disclose them.
Moreover, even if that were a ground for not considering the application, which it most certainly isn’t because there are five defendants who are named, there are binding precedents which demonstrate that she was bound to issue summonses against the named defendants and to order that the police ascertain those who are as yet unidentified by their NHS employers.
In other words, it is yet another miscarriage of justice, in a tyrannous system that is broken beyond repair.
Fuck The System & All Who Perpetuate It
Nevertheless, in spite of the attempt to railroad the PCP into a brick wall, amended papers are currently being drawn up by myself and the rest of the PUB team, which will not contain any of the allegations previously made against the three as yet unidentified defendants [until such time that they are identified], thereby exposing the judge’s single reason given as the nonsensical nullity it is and giving her no alternative but to allow the case to proceed or face obstruction of justice charges.
Furthermore, the amended application will be significantly bolstered by an additional four witness statements making exactly the same allegations as the other harrowing testimonies the presiding judge has unforgivably overlooked, thereby delaying justice for the victims’ families, as well as willfully obstructing it, at least according to the legal advice we have received from the former Senior Crown Prosecutor who will sign off on those charges if required.
However, the judge will be given one final chance to reconsider her decision not to consider the application to summons the Midazolam murderers who stand accused, in which she will be required to summons them to answer to the charges before a jury; and in the event she doesn’t administer them accordingly by issuing the summonses and listing the matter for trial, our barrister will file obstruction charges on behalf of the People’s Union of Britain in another Magistrates Court.
If the establishment delays, perverts or obstructs justice one more time in the event we are forced to do so, we will convene a real Common Law Grand Jury – not the legally toothless one that people have misplaced their faith in – and our barrister will seek on our behalf the just outcome that has been denied us for the last eighteen months, which will be enforced by the order of a Justice of the Peace.
So fuck the system and all who perpetuate it because if they think we were not prepared for this eventuality long ago, they really haven’t been paying attention because we never let the actions of criminals dressed in ermine deter us from seeking that which we are entitled to by birthright.
Moreover, justice will be seen to be done and there will be much gnashing of teeth, as well as soiling of expensive undercrackers, before that transpires. But it will be done, one way or another. Of that you may rest assured. Necessarily including the arrest of Hancock et al, come the day of reckoning, which edges ever closer.
Massive Thanks To Subscribers
Finishing on a much less adversarial note, a massive thank you goes out to all my subscribers who have supported me in any way over the past few months, when the turbulence in the public facing side of my life and work has been attacked more fiercely than ever before, during which my adversaries have aggressively attempted to shut down every aspect of my content production and distribution operations, which suddenly became prohibitively expensive when I was cancelled on social media by Vimeo, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Were it nor for those of you who threw tips of any value in the Tips Jar, I would not have been able to continue my output without putting everything behind a paywall for subscribers only beyond the end of March, given that my overheads are now twice as much as they were at the start of the year.
Nevertheless, your generosity has guaranteed that my content will remain paywall free, at least for the foreseeable future. For which I and all the people who benefit from my work without having to pay for it, owe you a debt of gratitude.
I will therefore be giving away twenty two tickets to Speakeasy gigs to see myself, Craig, Tania, Steve and the best comics left standing, at one of twenty two venues nationwide over the next few months, in my next subscriber-only newsletter, to twenty two of those who threw a tip in the jar.