Cyber Attacks, False Allegations & TGBMS Class Actions Update
Before I update you on the current state of play in the TGBMS Class Actions, I need to let you know what transpired at the end of last year, when some very serious issues arose, which unfortunately hampered the progress we intended to make in that regard.
Literally, just after Michael and I announced that the claim forms and particulars of claim were ready to be served on every UK mortgage provider last month, six of the class action admins were hit with sudden, unexplained and almost identical computer problems, most likely the result of malware being placed on their hard drives whilst online.
The intended effect of these attacks was obviously to prevent us from moving forward as planned, since it meant that key information could not be accessed for the purposes of serving the claims.
Rather than spoiling everybody’s festive season by letting you all know there and then, we decided to get things back on track and do a thorough investigation first.
If you have sent us an email over the last few weeks and we haven’t responded to it, this will have happened because we had three weeks when one of us had no access to our emails. In which case, please resend the email and we promise to get back to you as soon as we receive it.
While we were regrouping, we were attacked on social media by certain notoriously odious individuals, at the very moment we were not around to defend ourselves.
The plainly false and [quite frankly] ludicrous allegations they made claimed that we were about to be arrested for securitisation fraud, when we are publicly engaged in exposing it!
To put this in perspective, laying such an erroneous charge at our feet is no different from alleging that Anthony Stansfeld is engaged in financial crimes, when the truth is the three of us have committed ourselves to ending such wrongdoings.
Other similarly false allegations were also made. One being that TGBMS is a cash cow which we are milking with the class actions, when the truth is we have only just broken even on the money we have spent marketing the film.
Furthermore, from the very start of production on the film, we have been publicly committed to generate enough net returns to provide all those who lost their properties to mortgage fraud in the film with new homes.
If we were only in this for ourselves, we would never have taken such a course of action. Nor would we have dedicated ourselves and our limited resources to instigating, administering and running the TGBMS Class Actions.
Despite the demonstrable fact that we have stated this already, for the avoidance of any lingering doubt, the ONLY reason we have been collecting mortgage account details and mortgage documents is because we need at least 500 unique examples of mortgage fraud to prove that it is endemic on these shores.
All the information we have is stored on encrypted virtual servers, to which only we and the admins have access, which means that we can very easily determine, track and document any security breaches. All the uploaded documents are stored on a separate server that only two of us have access to, the security for which has never been breached.
It also goes without saying that we have never and would never share any of the data securely stored, or use it for any purpose other than the TGBMS Class Actions, for which we will never take a penny, in spite of our inevitable out of pocket expenses.
With the last of the computer issues having been resolved the week before last, the first draft claim form was finally served during the first and second weeks of January, upon all the banks which were served Letter Before Claim last year.
Right on cue, we were informed by one of our eagle-eyed admins that they had collected incontrovertible proof that a former admin, who was removed for lying to us about having served the Letters Before Claim in the region he was briefly responsible for, had stolen the first draft claim form from the email account he was and remains legally prohibited from accessing, whilst being bound by a strict confidentiality agreement not to disclose any information pertaining to the TGBMS Class Actions, under any circumstances.
As if committing data theft, which carries an unlimited fine by the ICO, was not bad enough, he then either gave or sold the stolen draft claim form to another individual, who published it on his Facebook page, thereby breaching section 1 of the Computers Misuse Act 1990, which carries a maximum two year prison sentence and/or a massive fine.
Needless to say, we immediately changed the passwords for all the Bankster-Buster email accounts, which we will continue to change on a regular basis, along with maintaining the high level of security we have used to protect and preserve the data from day one.
In truth, just like any organisation with a high level of data security in place, the only possible leaks are those that happen from within and it is almost impossible to prevent such clear breaches of trust occurring, especially when we rely so heavily upon unpaid volunteers.
However, it is also correct to say that this particular breach could only have been prevented in the event the individual concerned had not been trusted to honour his pledge to treat all the information he received as strictly private and confidential, which applies both before and after he was removed as an admin, for lying to us all about serving the Letters Before Claim.
In more simplistic terms, had he not broken the law and breached our trust, no security breach would have occurred and we naturally cannot be held liable for the wrongdoings of other parties, especially when their plainly malicious deeds were undoubtedly intended to cause us maximum losses.
We are therefore taking all necessary legal steps to make sure that both wrongdoers are punished with the full force of the law, for the purposes of which we cannot currently disclose any more information, so that we don’t prejudice the criminal case that will be laid against them.
It goes without saying that we would much rather be focusing solely upon the class actions, but it is our genuine intention that the serving of justice upon the accused will act as a stark warning to other similarly unscrupulous individuals – mess with the TGBMS Class Actions at the peril of your liberty and solvency.
Moreover, we will also be seeking an order barring them both from using computers and the internet for the maximum term allowed, irrespective of any other punishments they receive for their disgraceful crimes.
Since we have documentary evidence that both individuals read every banking crimes related post on this blog, they should consider this as notice of our legal actions against them, which will also be served directly via other means of communication.
And finally, having informed you of that which you need to know, we come back to the TGBMS Class Actions.
Over the past few weeks, it has come to our attention that the banks which oppose us expect that the courts will continue to protect them from the consequences of their myriad of crimes, one way or another.
Since the legal arguments have largely already been won, the only realistic way a judge could scupper our progress would be to refuse us permission for the claims to move forward, once filed, by ordering that they be struck out because we do not have the funds to pay millions in legal costs if we lose.
Currently, we only have a six figure sum committed, in the form of a very generous community grant, which means that unless we can raise five hundred times that figure, the class actions would be vulnerable to being shut down on that ground, without a game-changing shift in strategy.
Nevertheless, in any war of attrition, it is generally necessary to be as fluid as water at certain times, usually when our adversaries believe we are destined to meet an irresistible force that will abate our progress.
With subverting that strategy in mind, we will now be playing the ace we have been holding up our sleeve from the start, by changing the players in the game because circumstances dictate that we must.
In other words, to completely neuter our opposition’s power to spend funds they can create ad infinitum, on legal costs intended to thwart the claims and ultimately bankrupt us, the actions will now all be brought against the Chief Land Registrars of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as the Keeper of the Register in Scotland.
Nothing in the substance of the claims will change, save for the parties to them. However, the dramatic effect of naming the registrars as defendants is that there will be only one defendant in each of the six claims across the three jurisdictions, instead of 156 in each, for the purposes of which we would almost certainly have to raise at least £500 million to provide security for costs.
Nevertheless, this shift in strategy means that we now have to raise no more than £15 million to cover the potential costs of the Crown, which we are confident we will be able to achieve by the time the matters come before the high court.
Even more significantly, we will also be denying the banksters the opportunity to defend the class actions using the rigged system, whilst we are simply asking the court to declare that the new defendants must cancel every mistake in the register caused by mortgage fraud, pay compensation to every illegal mortgagor, then take all the evidence we have amassed and sue the conveyancing solicitors and the banks to recover the treasury’s losses on the TGBMS Grounds.
It goes without saying that the claims will be filed as soon as we have raised sufficient funds to prevent any court from dismissing the actions, on the ground that we cannot provide the required security for costs.
In all probability, this should transpire within the next month, in which case we will aim to file the claims into the high court by the end of February 2020. Any delays that occur will almost certainly be costs-related.
Since we are still very much engaged in collecting the evidence required, if you haven’t already done so, please upload your fraudulent mortgage documents at the links below, resting assured that your information will be securely held for the sole purpose of the TGBMS Class Actions and safely destroyed when we have prevailed.
Related Links
United Bank of Kuwait v Sahib & Others | Times Law Report
Mortgage Fraud 101 | The Section 2 Point and the Law Commission
The Enforceability & Unenforceablility of Charges Over Land
Mortgage Fraud 101 | The Companies Act and Unfair Terms
Major TGBMS News | Reversal of Fortunes in the High Court
TGBMS Class Actions | Seeking A Moratorium On Mortgage Possession Claims
Historic Judgment Which Changed Everything For UK Mortgagors
The Dawning of a New Day in the Fight Against Mortgage Fraud
BOOM! TGBMS Shakes The Room At The Land Registry
The People v The Banks: Representative Actions To End Mortgage Fraud
8 Steps To Cancelling Your Illegal Mortgage and Claiming Indemnity
Land Registry Confirms That No Mortgage Arises Without Legally Valid Documents
Mortgage Fraud 101: Summary of The TGBMS Grounds
Join The Unlawful Eviction Prevention Force
So You Want To Join The Class Actions To End UK Mortgage Fraud
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