COVID-1984 Update | PUB Appeal Decision To Dismiss PCP Against Four Horsemen
First and foremost, Happy New Year. May 2023 be the year that everybody gets their just deserts, necessarily including the Four Horsemen of COVID-1984 and all their treacherous accomplices, as PUB prepares to appeal the decisions to dismiss our damning, evidence packed case against them.
Secondly, a heart-felt thank you to everybody who has supported us unflinchingly over the past three years, in whichever ways you have been able. It will never be forgotten and will always be greatly appreciated.
Thirdly, to the small band of naysayers, fly-by-nights and unrealistically impatient bastards reading this, how foolish you all were to cast aspersions upon somebody who always walks the walk, unlike any of you.
Notice of Appeal
Following three unlawful decisions by the Deputy Chief Magistrate, dismissing our Private Criminal Prosecutions against those responsible for the crimes of COVID-1984, one of those decisions is now being appealed to the High Court, where we are also applying for a declaration that the deadly ‘vaccine’ roll-out is terminated.
As I pointed out on this blog a year ago, after receiving the last of the three void court orders from Judge Ikram, we have stand-alone grounds for appeal of his decisions to throw out the copious evidence from expert and eye witnesses as mere ‘hearsay’.
However, over the course of the past year we have seen all the lockdown bollocks come to a sudden end, since when the public awareness of the crimes alleged in our case has grown exponentially, giving rise to the opportunity to launch our appeal out of time.
Moreover, it is precisely because the issues raised are now all mainstream news, as opposed to the ‘conspiracy theories’ they were dismissed as by the vast majority in this country until very recently, that we could not have appealed before now and expected anything other than another miscarriage of justice.
Demonstrable Facts
Whilst the erring judge easily got away with dismissing the PCP three times, whether on the orders of his ‘higher-ups’ or not, he was only able to do so because we were making the serious allegations against the defendants long before enough people were ready to believe them, save for the victims’ families and a small band of hardcore supporters.
However, we are now much more capable of demonstrating, given the devastating and copious bundles of prima facie evidence we have amassed over the past three years, the following undeniable facts:
- The ‘vaccines’ we attempted to stop being rolled out have killed and maimed countless people, just as we warned they would in our December 2020 application to have Hancock arrested and in the two subsequent applications for summonses to be issued.
Government lockdown policies have destroyed critical infrastructure, industry and the economy at the expense of the taxpayer and small and medium scale busineses, whilst big business has benefitted from those losses to the tune of many billions of pounds.
The Imperial College Model, upon which the entire world was forced to rely in justification of locking us all down and imposing draconian government policies, has long since been proven beyond reasonable doubt to be entirely fraudulent.
It is now beyond question that the modus operandi of government ministers and advisors was to maximise ‘vaccination’ uptake, as per the UN’s Sustainable Development agenda to ‘immunize’ to entire population of the Earth from every imaginable ‘disease’ and ‘virus’ the WHO identify as a potential pandemic.
All the available evidence shows that none of the COVID ‘vaccines’ should have been granted emergency approval by the Gates-funded MHRA, on the advice of Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson, each of whom insisted from the start that the vaxx was going to be the only way out of perpetual lockdowns.
Hancock is now a disgraced former health secretary, who has been told by his constituency party members that he can’t run in the next General Election, which means the corrupt judiciary no longer has any reason to protect him from the consequences of his heinous crimes.
It cannot now even be disputed that Hancock presided over the implementation of genocidal government policy, using vast quantities of Midazolam and Morphine on anybody of any age who was diagnosed as having or being likely to catch COVID and die.
There remains no evidence whatsoever which shows that SARS-COV-2 has ever been isolated or purified under established laboratory protocols and therefore in law it does not exist.
Banged To Rights
All of which naturally leads to the deduction that, given all of those arguments were submitted to Westminster Magistrates Court before people started dropping down dead like flies, with an urgent request for a moratorium to be declared on the entire ‘vaccine’ roll-out, pending a criminal investigation; the three decisions by Ikram to dismiss our case were founded on either unsustainable hearsay, or extreme prejudice and bias.
Furthermore, having travelled the country during my Speakeasy Comedy Club tour, the increasingly venomous hatred for Hancock and Whitty in particular is palpable everywhere I go, as is the deafening cry for justice to be done for all those who have been murdered by various government policies.
We are therefore emphatically convinced that now is the moment to strike, just as our adversaries thought we had given up on the idea of attacking the injustices handed down by the courts, which resulted in the deaths and maiming of countless people, just as we warned would happen if they didn’t grant our applications.
Obstruction of Justice
Our barrister, a former senior crown prosecutor for the CPS, has already confirmed that the judge may be liable for obstructing justice, in the event it can be shown that he knowingly dismissed demonstrable facts as ‘hearsay’.
By the same reasoning, any High Court judge who is myopic enough to dismiss our appeal, which relies upon this prima facie evidence of genocide and pandemic fraud, could be held liable to have the same charges laid against them in a Magistrates Court.
In other words, the gloves are now off and the final war of attrition is about to commence against the Four Horsemen and their accomplices who committed the Crimes of COVID-1984.
As always, you will read about every development in the case on this blog or via one of my newsletters. Rest assured that we will never back down until Hancock et al have reaped the consequences of their myriad of wrongdoings, no matter what anybody else might say on the matter.
As some of you already know, Speakeasy is running a series of my webinars to assist in covering the increasingly expensive costs of keeping most of my content free for everybody, rather than putting everything behind a subscriber-only paywall, like most other content providers do.
In order to generate sufficient funds to pay for the entire year, the webinars must have at least 100 participants, so the listed dates are subject to change if the minimum booking threshold isn’t met 48 hours before it is due to run.
Nevertheless, if ticket holders to a postponed webinar can’t attend on the newly listed date, which their ticket is still good for, full refunds are always available.
However, if you want to book tickets for any of the webinars currently listed, you can do so at the links below:
Book Tickets For The Crimes of COVID-1984 Webinar
Book Tickets For All Things UCT Webinar
Book Tickets For Hidden History Webinar
Those of you who have already booked tickets for the Crimes of COVID-1984 webinar, please note that it will now take place on Friday 10/01/2023, instead of this Friday evening.
Speakeasy 2023
Speakeasy Comedy Club kicks off 2023 the way it ended 2022 at our now well established venue in North London this Saturday night, where I will compere for legendary Canadian comic, Tom Stade, the uncompromisingly hilarious Jojo Sutherland and fast-rising new comic, Jonathan Kogan, in what promises to be another absolute barnstormer.
There are currently only 25 tickets left, so it you live near enough and you fancy laughing your arse off at a night of uncensored and polemical hilarity, please book your ticket at the link below as soon as you can to avoid missing out.
Book Tickets Fr Speakeasy Ally Pally
Hopefully, I’ll see you there, or at another Speakeasy venue, or one of the webinars, in the near future.
As always, much love from Bernicia.