Please consider this brief, cautionary tale of contemporary fuckwittery, by analogous reasoning. A fake credit card company sells a fraudulent claim to a third party, who then aggressively pursues the alleged debtor with threats of […]
Read moreAuthor Archive: The Bernician
#TGBMS: The Twists in the Tale of a Void Mortgage
Just when one thinks the legal determinations in our long-running dispute with Bank of Scotland cannot get any more bizarre, the Chief Land Registrar [CLR] has written to the trustees of my family’s private property […]
Read moreVoid Mortgage Removed by Chief Land Registrar
When one is playing chess with a self-deluding adversary, with whom one has been engaged in a war of attrition, he will very often be blind to the fact that no matter what he does, […]
Read moreBOS Drops Objection to Rectification of Register
I will be writing a more detailed article, which will be posted at in due course, but I am once again fortunate enough to be the bearer of somewhat astonishingly good news for all […]
Read moreThe Rebellious Path of Least Resistance to EU Hegemony
It is not my intention to to offend, anger or upset anybody, especially given that fact I admire and respect the efforts of certain people concerned and affected by the subject matter of this article. […]
Read moreThe Treacherous Legacy of Having Inside Knowledge
This article could rightly be considered a follow-up to an explosive account of the silencing of “Petra”, the first 9/11 whistle-blower, which can be read here, for a full understanding of the following piece. Recent […]
Read moreQuestions of “Authority”
In any event, neither her majesty’s government, nor the EU Commissars, are capable of challenging these declarations, on the basis that the Grand Jury is beyond the jurisdiction of any government institution; only a properly convened Grand Jury of the Sovereign people of Britain could do that. However, given the self-evident fact that these actions have been taken in defence of such obviously treacherous and treasonous wrongdoings against the British people by successive governments, it is perhaps more likely that Tony Blair apologises for lying through his teeth over non-existent Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, than for a properly convened Grand Jury to establish material evidence that these declarations are ill-founded in fact, law or jurisdiction.
Read moreUnchained Malady
A poem about treachery and betrayal of trust.
Read moreInside 9/11: An Aristocratic Genocidal Construction
The following is a damning account of a what I was told by the ex-wife of “Kissinger’s right-hand man”, during numerous conversations over course of several months, from the 14th of September 2001 until May […]
Read moreThe Statist Snake-Oil of Centralised Government
The Statist Snake-Oil of Centralised Government Beware the statist snake-oil salesmen, who continue to peddle the lie that the answer to tyrannical centralised government is another form of tyrannical centralised government, which is in effect […]
Read moreThe Triads of The Bernician
The man who wouldn’t be king was born in the week of manifestation by surgical intervention; within sight of the famous river that bisects ancient Bernicia; at the heart of the one of only two […]
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