An Integrous Judge & Vallance’s Prior Knowledge of Adverse Events
Shocking new expert witness testimony from a scientist who used to work in a GSK lab, which has been submitted to the prosecution in PUB v Hancock & Others, alleges that Patrick Vallance had prior knowledge that his former company’s ‘vaccines’ cause adverse events in a significant proportion of those injected.
Furthermore, the case’s latest expert witness claims that Vallance knows about the likelihood of severe adverse events occurring after GSK ‘vaccines’ [including up to 50% fatalities, in the case of the Vallance approved ‘vaccine’ against Dysentery, which was widely distributed in West Africa just before the 2014 Ebola scamdemic, for which, of course, GSK had already manufactured a different ‘vaccine’].
However, Vallance’s open suppression and cover-up of the relevant safety studies did not prevent those facts becoming common knowledge at the lab where our whistle-blower worked, which resulted in her resignation shortly afterwards, when Vallance refused to comply with a demand that the manufacture and distribution of the potentially fatal chemical treatments be suspended with immediate effect.
Needless to say, this utterly compelling testimony will be added to the evidence bundle in the PCP and I will elaborate further in a future post.
PCP Update
In response to the voluminous inquiries relating to the Private Criminal Prosecution [PCP] of Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson for multiple counts of pandemic fraud, here is a brief update on the latest state of play.
Patiently awaiting the final decision of the presiding judge, as to whether he issues summonses for the defendants to answer the charges laid at Westminster Magistrates Court, we contacted the court to ascertain what stage the Deputy Chief Magistrate had reached in his deliberations.
Happily, we were deeply encouraged from the warm response we received, within just half an hour of the email of our request for an update.
Ongoing Consideration Upon The Evidence
Having been contacted by our ever-helpful liaison officer between Bromley and Westminster Magistrates Courts, we were informed that the judge requires more time because of the sheer weight of the evidence that is now before him. Naturally, we responded with our sincere gratitude for the speedy update.
Within ten minutes, the judge, who has already demonstrated his integrity by honouring our informal request that he set aside his initial decision to dismiss the action, when all he had before him was the Statement of Case, promptly sent us another message.
Noting that he is incapable of considering electronic evidence contained on a portable hard drive in the evidence files, the judge asked us to provide him with a hard copy of the leaked WHO flu ‘vaccine’ safety study [initially received on a hard drive], upon which we based our calculation of the flu vaxx mortality rate with 98% accuracy last Autumn.
An Integrous Judge in Troubled Times
However, not only does this constitute another example of the integrity of the judge deciding the destiny of the case, given that he could so easily have ignored the absence of the leaked study, arguing that it would not be enough to substantiate the allegations of pandemic fraud; it also comprises a dazzlingly positive indication that he intends to make his mind up upon the evidence alone, without fear or favour.
Therefore, despite the fact that the whole process has already eaten up the better part of the past six months, we have reasons to be cautiously optimistic that the case against the Four Horsemen of COVID-1984 is in the hands of a man who believes in the unalienable right to prosecute wrongdoers under the Common Law, irrespective of political office.
Moreover, the Deputy Chief Magistrate might well go on to prove that we do, at the very least, have one integrous senior judge left in this country, who fully comprehends that justice does not exist in a nation state where government officers cannot be held to account for their crimes against the People in a court of law.
In The Judge’s Shoes
If I were in his shoes, the very fact that somebody separated the Statement of Case from the three evidence files would have already convinced me that some very powerful people feared the result of proper consideration of both the statement and the substantiating documents.
Nevertheless, as Deputy Chief Magistrate, that would render me even more determined to allow the case to proceed, given that the evidence before the court includes witness statements from eleven expert witnesses, all of whom unequivocally corroborate the allegations made in the Statement of Case.
With a fair wind, we will receive his decision within days rather than weeks and proceed from there. Either way, you’ll read about it all on this blog, so stay tuned for all future updates.
Past & Future Podcasts With Mark Devlin
In the meantime, just in case you missed it, you can catch my third appearance on the Good Vibrations Podcast with Mark Devlin below. Expect another installment to follow, as soon as there are major developments to impart.
In addition, I’m delighted to say that the freedom-loving DJ and I have agreed to record a Politically Incorrect Podcast about the life, works, death and legacy of John Lennon. Details to follow in due course.
Once again, I’d like to pay tribute to Mark’s unconditional provision of his ever-growing media channels, for the dual purposes of asking all the right questions and getting behind the PCP in any way he can.
As I have already told Mark, his support, faith and friendship are greatly appreciated, fully reciprocated and will never be forgotten. You can check out his massive library of outstanding work here.